Brent Cole wrote:
> I apologize at my lack of understanding but I was looking at one of my
> captures and noticed that the protocol number listed in the IP header
> for UDP was 11.
> 11?
> I thought that the protocol number for UDP was 17.
> I searched the ethereal site and did not come up with anything. Would
> someone please help me close the huge hole in my understanding
> relating to this issue?
Yes the protocol number for UDP is 17 in decimal format:
but Ethereal shows it as 0x11 (in hexadecimal format) at least with the version I am using right now and that
corresponds to the decimal value 17.
0x00=0, 0x01=1, 0x02=2, 0x03=3, 0x04=4, 0x05=5, 0x06=6, 0x07=7,
0x08=8, 0x09=9, 0x0a=10, 0x0b=11, 0x0c=12, 0x0d=13, 0x0e=14, 0x0f=15,
0x10=16, 0x11=17, 0x12=18, 0x13=19 ...0x1a=26, ...
0x20=32, 0x21=33 ..
When looking at the decoded packet details then some values are given
in hexadecimal, some in decimal, some in both and some in other ways.
Version: 4
Header length: 20 bytes
Type of service: 0x00 (None)
Total length: 104
Identification: 0xcd0f (52945)
Flags: 0x04 (Don't fragment)
Fragment offset: 0
Time to live: 1
Protocol: UDP (0x11)