Hopefully this will
be a quick question/answer, but you never know. Looking through the
Ethereal supported protocols it appears that you support a large part of the
Fibre Channel standard protocols (FC, FC-dns, FC-FCS, etc). After decoding
the libpcap file format, I was able to create a supported Ethereal file out of a
series of raw Fibre Channel frames. Currently I am using the IP over FC
(122 - 0x7a) as my link layer type, but it appears that this LL does not decode
the Common Transport layer, it is only looking for the payload IP contents from
the Network Header, SNAP and down the list.
Looking through the
libpcap/tcpdump code I did not really see any other LL type. If there is
not a supported type, how will Ethereal know how to decode the file? Is
there a different file type that Ethereal is looking for? Or is this a "in
the works" item?
I hope that was
Michael Rydeen
Principle Firmware Engineer
222 International Drive, Suite
Portsmouth, NH 03801
P: 603-766-2721
F: 603-766-2793