Ethereal-users: [Ethereal-users] Re: Ethereal-usersNo udc-snmp for RedHat 9? Can't install Ether

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Wes Hardaker <wjhns36@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 07:10:18 -0700
>>>>> On Wed, 28 Apr 2004 16:46:50 -0700 (PDT), Curling Fan <n8tgc@xxxxxxxxx> said:

Curling> Is there any way to install ucd-snmp support on my RH 9
Curling> system, so I can THEN install Ethereal?

Are you using a *recent* ethereal rpm which is built to require
ucd-snmp?  I hope not.  Anything recent should be requiring Net-SNMP

However, you could get the last ucd-snmp tar ball from the Net-SNMP
website and build and install it...

Wes Hardaker