I've been trying to get Ethereal to work with H.323
all day without success, maybe I am doing something stupid.
I have the latest Windows version 0.10.3. On
the protocols supported list, I do not see H.323 (although H.245 is
there). It also does not decode any information about H.323 in the packets
I am examining, which I believe are H.323 (maybe they are not).
I found a DLL plug-in that is supposed to handle
H.323 on 0.9.x. I tried it with various 0.9.x versions of
Ethereal. Some versions will not come up at all with the plug-in
present. Others come up, but they do not have H.323 listed as a
protocol. I can find the DLL on the plug-in list, but there doesn't seem
to be any way to activate it and I still don't see any change in the
I just tried 0.9.15, as a note on the plug-in
Web site implies it supports H.323. Same results.
If it is of any consequence, the H.323 is carried
over UDP, not TCP, in this instance. Will Ethereal or the plug-in deal
with H.323 over UDP?
Any suggestions to get Ethereal to work with H.323?