I am new to the linux enviroment, i have a Red Hat 9.0 Distro. I wanted
to install Ethereal in my RH cause i use it in Win to, and i think it
rocks... but when i download the necesary files to instaal it i get the
following mssgs:
At extracting the base file:
[theruler@Golem Ethereal]$ rpm -i ethereal-base*.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
ucd-snmp is needed by ethereal-base-0.10.0a-1.RH9
So i think <Shit!, well lets just download it>, afther searching like
more than a day and a half i find it!! HURRAY!!
so i go to the terminal and try the next command:
<hope this is gonna work cause i really need ethereal on this SO>
[theruler@Golem Ethereal]$ rpm ucd-snmp*.rpm
RPM version 4.2
Copyright (C) 1998-2002 - Red Hat, Inc.
This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL
Usage: rpm [-a|--all] [-f|--file] [-g|--group] [-p|--package] [--specfile]
[--whatrequires] [--whatprovides] [-c|--configfiles]
[--dump] [-l|--list] [--queryformat=QUERYFORMAT] [-s|--state]
[--nomd5] [--nofiles] [--nodeps] [--noscript] [--addsign]
[-K|--checksig] [--import] [--resign] [--nodigest] [--nosignature]
[--initdb] [--rebuilddb] [--aid] [--allfiles] [--allmatches]
[--badreloc] [-e|--erase <package>+] [--excludedocs]
[--excludepath=<path>] [--force] [-F|--freshen <packagefile>+]
[-h|--hash] [--ignorearch] [--ignoreos] [--ignoresize]
[--justdb] [--nodeps] [--nomd5] [--noorder] [--nosuggest]
[--noscripts] [--notriggers] [--oldpackage] [--percent]
[--prefix=<dir>] [--relocate=<old>=<new>] [--repackage]
[--replacefiles] [--replacepkgs] [--test]
[-U|--upgrade <packagefile>+] [-D|--define 'MACRO EXPR']
[-E|--eval 'EXPR'] [--macros=<FILE:...>] [--nodigest]
[--rcfile=<FILE:...>] [-r|--root ROOT] [--querytags] [--showrc]
[--quiet] [-v|--verbose] [--version] [-?|--help] [--usage]
[--scripts] [--setperms] [--setugids] [--conflicts] [--obsoletes]
[--provides] [--requires] [--info] [--changelog] [--triggers]
[--last] [--filesbypkg] [--fileclass] [--filecolor] [--fileprovide]
[--filerequire] [--redhatprovides] [--redhatrequires]
[--buildpolicy=<policy>] [--with=<option>] [--without=<option>]
Hurray!! i got it!! now just install Ethereal...
so again...
[theruler@Golem Ethereal]$ rpm -i ethereal-base*.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
ucd-snmp is needed by ethereal-base-0.10.0a-1.RH9
Whatta!!, i dont get it!! i asked in the IRC chats that i know... and
still nothing!! i am desperate! plz help me!!