Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Product performs differently than documentation.

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Jack Jackson <jack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 15:22:21 -0800
At 03:00 PM 1/16/2004, Guy Harris wrote:

The startup directory defaults to the current directory of the Ethereal

Windows shortcuts have a "working directory" property; when a shortcut
for a program is double-clicked, the process started for that program
starts out with the directory specified by that property as its current

When NSIS (the tool used for the Ethereal installer) creates a
shortcut, it uses the current output directory as the working
directory; the current output directory is set in NSIS scripts by the
SetOutPath command, and the last SetOutPath command in the Ethereal
NSIS script before creating the shortcuts sets it to the MIB directory
(as the MIBs are the last files installed).

That's probably not the appropriate directory to start out in.
There is an anomaly with the file select dialog in Windows.  If you select 
the C:\ item in the directory list (assuming that Ethereal is installed 
somewhere on C:), the files shown in the right pane are from the MIB 
subdirectory in Ethereal, although there is no indication of this.  If you 
then select the ..\ entry, the files in the root of C: are shown, even 
though the MIB files are several layers below the root.