Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Packet timestamps

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From: Dinkar Bhat <dbhat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 10:53:44 -0500
Thanks for the very detailed reply. I can see it is quite difficult to support onboard timestamp
computation, since it involves low-level driver changes.

My application requirement can be stated simply as follows: Compare the received IP packet time stamp with the timestamp contained within the IP packet that was inserted at the source. The timestamp in the IP packet is very precise and upto nanosecond resolution. There is
no notion of accuracy since the timestamp has an arbitrary origin.

The second best solution after hardware timestamping, seems to be about using a very precise high resolution clock on the receiver machine. Although the timestamps on the packets will not correspond exactly to the timestamp when the packet was received at the NIC, I assume that by gathering packets over a long run, I can estimate the statistics of the deviation from the exact time stamp (maybe a normal distribution) and hence compensate for it or at least provide an estimate
of the accuracy of measurement (in terms of standard deviation).

With this second solution, there still seems to be an issue. I looked at the timestamps reported on Ethereal and they seem to be upto microsecond precision. Hence, if my clock is high precision,
can Ethereal report any better than microseconds?

Guy Harris wrote:

On Dec 23, 2003, at 8:27 AM, Dinkar Bhat wrote:

I have seen several mails on packet timestamp resolution, and I have a related

As I understand it, it is Winpcap/libpcap which timestamps packets,

It's the code in the packet capture mechanism used by libpcap/WinPcap that timestamps packets.

In some UNIXes, that code is in the network drivers; I think it's higher up in the networking code path in other UNIXes. In Windows, that's done by the WinDump driver.

and that essentially is the resolution of the PC clock.

It's the resolution of whatever clock is being used. It might not be the "PC clock" because it might not be running on a "PC", either in the sense of machines sold as "personal computers" or in the sense of "IBM-compatible personal computer". Some of those machines might have better high-resolution timers than IBM-compatible PCs do - and I think at least some OSes on more modern IBM-compatible PC's use the RDTSC instruction, if present on the processor, to get higher-precision time stamps.

But I have an Gigabit Ethernet
application that requires very accurate times,

There's precision and accuracy; a clock with picosecond resolution, set to a time that's 1 1/2 hours off, is very precise and very inaccurate.

You probably need both high precision *and* high accuracy. Given that time stamping isn't done at the instant a packet arrives at the NIC, even with a high-precision timer you don't get as high accuracy as you'd probably like.

 and I think there are NICs that support onboard
timestamp computation. If I do find such a NIC, then is it possible somehow to access that timestamp using Ethereal (instead of the one generated by libpcap/Winpcap)?

Ethereal has no provisions whatsoever for, when capturing, getting time stamps from anything other than libpcap/WinPcap.

It's not clear that it even *could* do so, as it does not come with any NIC drivers; supporting an onboard time stamp clock would require NIC driver changes, and possibly also changes to the code that the NIC driver calls in order to supply packets to the packet capture mechanism. (Ethereal is probably unlikely ever to come with NIC drivers, unless somebody wants to develop and support special versions of those drivers (which I don't expect to see happen).

If you're using a free-software UNIX, you'd have to modify the driver yourself - and figure out the right place to do the time stamping. Unfortunately, in the BSDs, the time stamping is done in the common BPF code, so you'd have to change the signature of "bpf_tap()" and/or "bpf_mtap()" to take an optional time stamp pointer and use that if supplied, and change all the other drivers you're building into your kernel to pass a NULL for the time stamp pointer, or provide new variants of "bpf_tap()" and "bpf_mtap()", with a time stamp argument, for your driver to use. I don't know offhand where it's done in Linux.

If you're using a commercial UNIX, you might be completely out of luck.

If you're using Windows, you'd have to find some way to pass the time stamp through NDIS to the WinPcap driver, assuming that's possible, and, if you could do tha, find out where WinPcap time-stamps the packet and change it to use that time stamp.