Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display

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From: Stef <stefmit@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2003 14:40:57 -0600
Just went through this exercise, with same problems you were having, as I got my first iBook (and Mac) ever!!! Here are the pointers to relevant information:

What happened was that I did not pay attention to the order of doing things, and I screwed up the fink "knowledge" of X11 placement (it was "confused" between Apple's X11 and the xfree386 that some people install, myself included - not really fully installing it, as it won't do it on top of Apple's one - but enough to screw up the configuration as far as fink was concerned). What I did was to blow up the whole /sw structure, get rid of finkcommander and fink, reinstall Apple's X11 (by far the best - no need to mess around with xfree386 anymore!!!), then the SDK, then fink, then follow each step from the second site above.

Then - in the end - I installed ethereal through finkcommander (0.9.14) and I was in business!

If you know all of the above, I apologize. To me this was quite an interesting experience - I booted the first time in my life a Mac this weekend, and - even coming from a Linux background - had some issues with understanding the X stuff.


On Dec 8, 2003, at 2:13 PM, Bobby Tehranian wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to get ethereal work on my Mac and I keep getting the above
error. I am running Mac OS X 10.3.1, Fink 17.1-1, GTK+, GTK data, gtk
shlilbs 1.2.10-13, ethereal 9.14-1, and also the apple provided X11
application. I try to start ethereal out of the xterm session and that’s
when I get this error. I have also installed x11sdk.pkg, develop.mpkg,
bsdsdk.pkg. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I have to do to get
ethereal and x working.

Thanks in advance.

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