Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Ethereal SIP Bugs?

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "Martin Regner" <martin.regner@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2002 23:27:36 +0100
Scott Holben wrote:
<With Ethereal version 0.9.7 on a Windows box and WinPcap version 2.3, has
<anyone out there noticed any strange problems with Ethereal not capturing
<properly or improperly printing text files of SIP messages containing
<"Authorization:" or "Proxy-Authorization:" fields?
<The SIP messages I am examining, containing these headers, are looking
<stranger as my testing continues.  Look at the end of the following sniffed
<Authorization: DIGEST USERNAME="SIPhelp", REALM="Registered Users",
<NONCE="1331021128100703", URI="",
<OPAQUE="133102112810070Content-Length: 0
<Proxy-Authorization: DIGEST USERNAME="john.doe", REALM="Registered Users",
<NONCE="1501021148461202", URI="sip:phone2@xxxxxxxxxxxx",
<CNONCE="9074acf8bb026f59ee7e172f216b31e3", OPAQUUser-Agent: Pingtel/2.0.2


My guess is that the problem is related to that the rows are very long. Actually I think that it may not be a
problem specifically related to the SIP dissector. 

Rows should be truncated when they exceed about 240 characters (ITEM_LABEL_LENGTH), but on Windows
it seems that sometimes the lines become blank when viewing on the screen and I have also seen that last characters
can be strange when printing to file if the rows are longer than about 220 characters. 
The lines where you have the problem are longer than 220 characters it seems.

For example there has been some problem reported a while ago for some LDAP captures.

A few days ago I noticed some similar problems for some other captures, and started too look into this. 
I will see if I can find something more. 
