Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] HP RPC Decodes
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Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 16:32:24 -0500
HP is willing to work with us if we have the right person from the Ethereal side call their help desk. We already have a case open. Guy, Is that you? (I appreciate the quick response) Guy Harris <[email protected] To: Peter Makohon/AO/USR/FTU@FTU om> cc: ethereal-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx, Nelson Goodman/AO/USR/FTU@FTU Subject: Re: [Ethereal-users] HP RPC Decodes 01/31/2002 04:25 PM > Who is in the best position to speak about whether Ethereal can read > proprietary HP RPCs? A person who has a specification for the HP RPC in question. Without a specification for it, a dissector cannot be written for it in Ethereal without a lot of reverse-engineering work (and even that isn't guaranteed to succeed). >"BERUBE,KELLAH (HP-USA,ex1)" <kellah_berube@xxxxxx> on 01/11/2002 >To: Nelson Goodman/AO/USR/FTU@FTU >cc: Peter Makohon/AO/USR/FTU@FTU > >Subject: RE: RPC information and using Ethereal > > >Nelson: >I wanted to give you a status. Our support engineers are looked into your >questions regarding proprietary RPC calls. Here is their response: > > "Regarding your question whether or not HP has any proprietary RPC >code. The answer is Yes, all of our code for that matter is proprietary in >that it is not open source that customers may pull down and modify at their >will. We ported the ONC release from Sun about a couple of years ago, and >our current code is 1.2 with some functionality from 2.3 built on top. So, >basically we have the same ONC software as sun." > > "The library that we use is libnsl for most of the main components >of rpc and nfs. If the vendor has a working solution already for HP, then >they should be able to troubleshoot the problem, and/or work with us if >they do not." >So, if Guy Harris and the Ethereal folks want to work with our Engineering >team, we can hook them up on this Case number = 3200534109. Let me know. Well, first of all, given that HP was one of the members of the OSF, I suspect they may have more RPC code than Sun's RPC code - they may also have DCE RPC code. They also appear not to have understood the question very well. What matters isn't whether they're using proprietary RPC *code* (and, in any case, Sun *have* given away some versions of their RPC code, including the 2.3 version, and, in any case, the RPC-layer protocols are published as RFCs, and Ethereal has dissectors for those), what matters is whether the particular protocols being run *on top of* RPC are proprietary - the mere fact that ONC RPC is a published protocol doesn't mean that all protocols running on top of ONC RPC are published. The same is true of DCE RPC - the protocol is published, but, as the Samba folk well know, not all protocols running on top of DCE RPC are published (well, unless you count lkcl's book: but he found that through reverse-engineering...). In any case, *I'm* not going to be writing any dissectors for various random HP-proprietary protcols running atop either ONC RPC *or* DCE RPC, as I don't have the time; somebody who cares about those protocols will have to get specifications for them and either write the dissector themselves or find somebody with the time and inclination to do so.
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