Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Can I change the default interface for capture?

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Guy Harris <gharris@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 03:14:14 -0800
On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 02:17:02AM +0000, Jack Spaar wrote:
> Guy Harris wrote:
> >This also raises the question of whether the "Save" >button should save
> >the settings from the "Preferences" dialog or save >the most recent
> >settings on a capture.  Currently, it does the >latter, but that might
> >not be appropriate - you might want the preferences >to reflect what you
> >do most of the time, but be able to override them >without having a
> >"Save" save the values you used.
> Thanks Guy, I hope you do add a preference for
> the default interface, but for now -i will do.

I've added one.

> Agree with you on that last point, it would be 
> cleaner if preferences could be overridden 
> without being overwritten.  In that case, yes
> capture prefs should be explicit under the 
> preference edit dialog.  

I've also changed Ethereal so that there's a "Capture" item in the
"Edit->Preferences" dialog; that allows you to edit all the capture
preferences, including the interface.

In addition, I've changed things so that the "Capture->Start" dialog
does *NOT* affect any of the preferences; the only way to change your
capture preferences is to edit them explicitly.  The preferences are
used to provide the settings for the first "Capture->Start" dialog;
on subsequent "Capture->Start" dialogs, the settings from the previous
dialog are used.

The interface preference, but not any of the other preferences, affect
Tethereal; the "-p" flag can only turn promiscuous mode off
(tcpdump-style), it can't turn it on, so Tethereal ignores the
promiscuous mode preference (if it didn't, then if the preference were
"don't run in promiscuous mode", there'd be no way to override it), and
the "Update list of packets in real time" and "Automatic scrolling in
live capture" preferences don't apply to Tethereal.