Just keep in mind the following architectural design of various flavours of
Windows :
Win NT 4.0 and following (2000 & XP) are multi-users environments.
User profiles are stored in Winnt\Profiles\user-name.
Win 9X (95, 98, me) are MONO USER environments.
Thus no specific user profile directory, since there ought to be a single
Do not be fooled by Microsoft marketing people naming all "Windows" what are
actually two completely different lines of operating systems...
Windows XP should be the convergence OS Microsoft has kept on promising for
the past 10 years...
but it still comes with two versions Professional (= NT 5.1) and Personal.
Is it actually the convergence version or yet another marketing cloud ?
I had no time to test and check.
> On versions of Win 9x/Me you don't need to have user profiles or user
> profile directrories.
> All users may share the same configuration. Even if the machine is part of
> network and
> the user(s) join(s) a microsoft workgroup or domain, there is no personal
> local user dir required.
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