On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 02:35:23PM -0700, Guy Harris wrote:
> Or you will need to apply the patch attached to this message,
Well, OK, the patch attached to *this* message.
Index: doc/editcap.pod
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/ethereal/doc/editcap.pod,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -c -r1.7 doc/editcap.pod
*** doc/editcap.pod 2000/11/07 19:54:53 1.7
--- doc/editcap.pod 2001/07/05 21:25:12
*** 1,7 ****
=head1 NAME
! Editcap - Edit and/or translate the format of capture files
--- 1,7 ----
=head1 NAME
! editcap - Edit and/or translate the format of capture files
Index: doc/ethereal.pod.template
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/ethereal/doc/ethereal.pod.template,v
retrieving revision 1.192
diff -c -r1.192 doc/ethereal.pod.template
*** doc/ethereal.pod.template 2001/06/21 22:25:53 1.192
--- doc/ethereal.pod.template 2001/07/05 21:25:15
*** 1,7 ****
=head1 NAME
! Ethereal - Interactively browse network traffic
--- 1,7 ----
=head1 NAME
! ethereal - Interactively browse network traffic
Index: doc/tethereal.pod.template
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/ethereal/doc/tethereal.pod.template,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -c -r1.28 doc/tethereal.pod.template
*** doc/tethereal.pod.template 2001/05/31 08:36:43 1.28
--- doc/tethereal.pod.template 2001/07/05 21:25:16
*** 1,7 ****
=head1 NAME
! Tethereal - Dump and analyze network traffic
--- 1,7 ----
=head1 NAME
! tethereal - Dump and analyze network traffic
Index: doc/text2pcap.pod
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/ethereal/doc/text2pcap.pod,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 doc/text2pcap.pod
*** doc/text2pcap.pod 2001/05/16 22:50:36 1.2
--- doc/text2pcap.pod 2001/07/05 21:25:17
*** 1,7 ****
=head1 NAME
! Text2pcap - Generate a capture file from an ASCII hexdump of packets
--- 1,7 ----
=head1 NAME
! text2pcap - Generate a capture file from an ASCII hexdump of packets