Ethereal-users: [Ethereal-users] Packet Filtering

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Anthony Abby <anthonyabby@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 14:12:47 -0700 (PDT)
Okay, now that I have Ethereal working properly I'm
ready to begin capturing only packets I'm looking for.
 I let Etheral capture everything, including the
kitchen sink, then looked at the filter statements.  I
am only interested in capturing packets from a single
workstation on my home network.

I figured I'd simply filter as such "ip eq" but I get "Unable to parse filter string
(Parse error)" instead.

When I select Capture from the menu, then select
start, I simply enter "ip eq" in the
filter field, then select ok.  I've also tried "(ip eq".  When I try it this second way I get
"Unable to parse filter string (parse error). X3,8"

Anyone have any idea what's up with my filtering??


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