On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 10:30:30AM -0500, amitshah@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I am using Ethereal on Windows 95 platform. I am running a PPP
> session. When I look at the captured data I only see TCP layer data.
> Hence, I can compute TCP layer throughput. However, I want to look
> at PPP layer data and throughput. I want to see PPP packets where I
> can see the amount of IP header compression is going on if the IP header
> compression is turned on. Can Ethereal capture PPP packets? Please let me
> know if someone can help. Thanks.
Are you sure you can see only TCP? Ethereal doesn't accept TCP
as one if it's top-level protocols, so I really doubt that TCP is the
only thing you see. It might be that decoding starts at the IP layer, and
then the TCP layer.
What Ethereal captures depends on the capabilities of the driver of the
capturing device, and the packet capture library (WinPcap in this case).
I'm not familiar with capturing PPP on Win95, so I don't know what exactly
is given to Ethereal.