> 3. File:: "packet-isis-hello.c" Problem: The last 3 Bytes of every IS
> Neighbour are displayed wrong due to wrong offset calculation.
Checked in.
> 2. File:: "filter_prefs.c" ; Problem:: Long FilterDefinitions are saved into
> the file, but it's not possible to load them again.
Checked in.
> 3. File:: manuf
> I just took the full file and created some helpfull shortcuts. Works fine
> for those who like all
> MAC addresses decoded. You might add it as choice.
We might want to make the names not be all caps.
In addition, this brings up another issue - the "tcpview" program, as I
remember, has a file that, for various manufacturer OUIs, has the full
name, and, in the detail view, shows the full name on the lines where it
shows the MAC address.
We might want to have our "manuf" file contain both the truncated vendor
name, for use in the MAC address display, and a full name, so that if
you don't know what the abbreviation stands for, you can see the full
name of the company and guess what type of equipment might be putting
the packets in question on the wire (useful if you're trying to track
down a machine that's putting stuff on the wire, based solely on the
data in the packets).
> I hope it's okay the way I did it. I havn't that much time to nice'n things.
Sending the changes out as "diff -c" output, comparing the unmodified
code and the modified code, is useful - that way if you've made some
changes to a particular release of Ethereal, but the file in question
has changed since that release, we can apply the changes to the current
version of the file, using "patch".
> Bye the way, maybe You like to tell me how to change the general
> foreground/background color. On the Laptop
> it's to tricky with the White backgorund and KDE looks nice in dark.
There might be some way to change it in a ".gtkrc" file, which is the
file that is used to configure GTK+ (too bad it can't get it from a
property on the root window, or something such as that, which might
allow KDE to control the colors used in GTK+ applications the way it can
control other applications if you enable the "Apply fonts and colors to
non-KDE apps" feature in the "Style" item under "Desktop" in the KDE
Control Center).
> If Ihave time I'll try to understand the principle of the
> Ethereal/GTK/packet-analysing programming and add some OSI
> stuff since I'm busy with it.
> Still it's 5 Years ago that I hacked and I found myself in some trouble. The
> brain gets rusty when you're around 40.
Fortunately I've kept hacking, which helps keep the rust level down on
that part of the brain....