I started to use Ethereal for Network Analysis in a Telecom DCN. I mostly
need the OSI stuff from it.
First of all, Thanks a Lot, it's a real tool that makes You able to
concentrate on the Job to REALLY have to do.
3. File:: "packet-isis-hello.c" Problem: The last 3 Bytes of every IS
Neighbour are displayed
wrong due to wrong offset calculation.
dissect_hello_is_neighbors_clv(const u_char *pd, int offset, ....)
if ( tree ) {
proto_tree_add_text ( tree, offset, 6,
"IS Neighbor: %02x%02x.%02x%02x.%02x%02x",
pd[offset], pd[offset+1], pd[offset+2],
pd[offset+3], pd[offset+4], pd[offset+5] ); /* RAKOM:2000-03--25: Changed:
.............. /* +3, +3, +4 >> +3, +4, +5
2. File:: "filter_prefs.c" ; Problem:: Long FilterDefinitions are saved into
the file, but it's not possible to load them again.
static void
gchar *ff_path, *ff_name = PF_DIR "/filters", f_buf[2048];
/*RAKOM:2000-03-25: Changed f_buf from 256 to 2048 */
while (fgets(f_buf, 2048, ff)) { /* RAKOM:2000-03-25: Changed from 256 to
2048 */
3. File:: manuf
I just took the full file and created some helpfull shortcuts. Works fine
for those who like all
MAC addresses decoded. You might add it as choice.
All the files are packed with 'gtar -czvf ./*' with/from the main ethereal
directory. I started with version .3
and tested it also with version .4
( ./packet-isis-hello.c
I hope it's okay the way I did it. I havn't that much time to nice'n things.
Bye the way, maybe You like to tell me how to change the general
foreground/background color. On the Laptop
it's to tricky with the White backgorund and KDE looks nice in dark.
If Ihave time I'll try to understand the principle of the
Ethereal/GTK/packet-analysing programming and add some OSI
stuff since I'm busy with it.
Still it's 5 Years ago that I hacked and I found myself in some trouble. The
brain gets rusty when you're around 40.
> Vänliga Hälsningar / Have a nice day
Ralf Schneider
SchneiderEngineering GmbH
TSD Support Alcatel
Description: Binary data