Ulf Lamping wrote:
> Guy Harris wrote:
>> Dumas Hwang of Navtel Communications asked for, and got, a magic number for a format that includes nanosecond time stamps; in his tcpdump-workers mail, he mentioned updating Ethereal to handle this, but I don't know what the status of that work is.
>> Dumas, is that new format being used? If so, is there any difference between it and the regular format other than the time stamp being seconds/nanoseconds rather than seconds/microseconds (e.g., extra fields in the file header or the per-packet header, or non-standard DLT_ values that collide with assigned DLT_ values)? Ulf might want to use that format as well.
> Yes, I had exactly the same thing in mind of simply changing the meaning of the usec field as there are enough bits left for this. Why create another format if something similar already exists.
> As I've digged a bit around in the Ethereal code, wiretap seems only to work with us resolution for now, so there seems to be left some work to support this.
It's clear now that I'll need nanosecond resolution for the timestamps.
Guy, could you ask Dumas directly about the file format or hand me over his email address so I can ask him?
In the meantime I'll look at the changes needed in wiretap and elsewhere, so I'll get a working prototype soon.
Regards, ULFL
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