Hello Guy
As you may recall, I sent a patch to allow Ethereal to read from a socket. I claimed that I managed to get all working OK, but I didn't, I'm sorry about that.
What my patch adds, is two small text input areas where the user can provide some "IP address" and port number in the 'Capture Options' dialog.
The problem is that those values are never added by "capture_opts_add_opt" (no wonder, since I didn't wrote any code there to do that), just the values from "capture_opts_init" are setted (which are the default values).
After reading the code from gtk/main.c I gather that all preferences are properly setted by calling "capture_opts_add_opt(...)" (around line 2000 of gtk/main.c), and that preferences are parsed from command line arguments in 'argv'.
Now, what I don't understand, is how the values from the 'Capture Options' dialog show up in the 'argv' array of gtk/main.c for everything except the 2 text areas I added.
I think that if I'm able to pass the 'IP address' and 'port number' values from the 'Capture Options' dialog, to the 'argv' array, then I could add some code to "capture_opts_add_opt" to properly set the IP address and port number for each new capture.
Thank you for your time and thanks in advance for any help you can provide me. In case you're wondering why I'm addressing you, it's because you seem to know a lot of those parts of the Ethereal source code.
Javier Acuña
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