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----- Original Message -----
From: "LEGO" <luis.ontanon@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Gianluca Varenni" <gianluca.varenni@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "ronnie sahlberg" <ronniesahlberg@xxxxxxxxx>; "Ethereal development"
<ethereal-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; "ntar-workers" <ntar-workers@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 4:21 AM
Subject: [ntar-workers] Re: [Ethereal-dev] Re: NTAR - PCAP next
generationdump file formatimplementation
I was not clear at all in my last mail so I'll re-expose myself.
Please note that I'll refer to "chunks" for segments of data
containing more records and to "records" to refer to atoms. I find the
term block confusing (in my forma-mentis a block seems something that
contains more records).
The essential point I tried to make is to have the marker-records at
predictable locations in the file.
That would be N*chunk_size bytes.
That's clear.
To archieve that we need:
A padding record to fill in the space between the last packet and the
location of the next marker record.
And, a marker record that tell us what we have so far.
Well, I don't see why you cannot use the sections for the same purpose. You
can jump between jumps easily, and we can easily add some information
(either in the interface description block or by means of a sort of marker
block) that tells number of packets/bytes, timestamps... In my opinion, this
is one of the main uses of sections. Any other opinion about that?
Moreover, the idea of having a padding block is troublesome: by definition,
the smallest block in pcap-ng is 12 bytes. If we create a padding block
because we want to support these markers at fixed locations, we need to be
*very* careful of where to put these padding blocks (i.e. we need to take
care of having either 0 bytes left before a new marker, or >= 12 bytes,
otherwise we are screwed up).
Finally, as I said before having these markers at fixed locations is a real
pain in the neck when you have a file with multiple sections *and* the SHB
does not contain the length of the section.
Another point is not to have to seek backwards to fill in fields while
dumping. Neither I like the Idea of having to keep a whole chunk in
memory nor to have to keep more than few very essential state
I totally agree with you.
I think either the file header or the HSB should tell which chunk-size
we are using.
The whole dump-file should use one an only one chunk-size.
No. A file contains multiple sections (possibly coming from multiple cat'ted
files). So *if* we really want to use this chunks approach, the chunk size
should be saved in the SHB.
On 6/27/05, Gianluca Varenni <gianluca.varenni@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
In general, I prefer your solution over Ronnie's one: the basic idea of
pcap-ng was to create not too much nesting in the file, so at the moment
basically have two levels, sections and blocks. In the future it's
possible/probable that we will have some nesting, especially to support
compressed and cyphered blocks.
I like it that way. Nesting stuff would mean either to seek back to
write the length or to keep in memory a whole meta-record before
writing. I do not like either solution.
In my opinion the marker should contain the following informations
- number of packets up to the next "marker block"
This is a forward reference
- number of bytes up to the next "marker block"
my point is we should know this before even reading the first marker-record.
- timestamp of the first and last packet up to the next "marker block"
I would put those before the marker record.
- offset to the next "marker block"
In my scenario we know it beforehand
- other??
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