Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] Buildbot crash output

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 18:22:01 -0500 (CDT)
Problems have been found with the following capture file(s):

Error information:
Core was generated by `lt-tethereal'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  do_throw (except=0x9fffffffffffcb90) at except.c:171
171		    top->except_info.except_cleanup->except_func(top->except_info.except_cleanup->except_context);
#0  do_throw (except=0x9fffffffffffcb90) at except.c:171
	top = (struct except_stacknode *) 0x9fffffffffff003e
	__func__ = "do_throw"
#1  0x2000000040756150 in except_throw (group=1, code=2, 
    msg=0x2000000040f930b0 "XCEPT_GROUP_ETHEREAL") at except.c:256
	except = {except_id = {except_group = 1, except_code = 2}, 
  except_message = 0x2000000040f930b0 "XCEPT_GROUP_ETHEREAL", 
  except_dyndata = 0x0}
#2  0x200000004079a180 in tvb_ensure_length_remaining (tvb=0x200000000039c1e8, 
    offset=178) at tvbuff.c:611
	abs_offset = 178
	abs_length = 0
	exception = 3785192
	__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "tvb_ensure_length_remaining"
#3  0x2000000040773980 in alloc_field_info (tree=0x200000000039a8a0, 
    hfindex=1094293608, tvb=0x200000000039c1e8, start=178, 
    length=0x9fffffffffffcbc0) at proto.c:2217
	hfinfo = (header_field_info *) 0x2000000041399868
	fi = (field_info *) 0x200000000039c1e8
	item_length = -13376
	length_remaining = 1
#4  0x20000000407735a0 in proto_tree_add_pi (tree=0x200000000039a8a0, 
    hfindex=0, tvb=0x200000000039c1e8, start=178, length=0x9fffffffffffcbc0, 
    pfi=0x0) at proto.c:2105
	pi = (proto_item *) 0xb2
	fi = (field_info *) 0x200000000039c1e8
	ptrs = (GPtrArray *) 0x1
#5  0x200000004076c380 in proto_tree_add_text_node (tree=0x200000000039a8a0, 
    tvb=0x200000000039c1e8, start=178, length=-1) at proto.c:588
No locals.
#6  0x200000004076c410 in proto_tree_add_text (tree=0x200000000039a8a0, 
    tvb=0x200000000039c1e8, start=178, length=-1, 
    format=0x2000000041151c00 "GSS-API payload (%d byte%s)") at proto.c:603
	pi = (proto_item *) 0x200000000039a8a0
#7  0x2000000040c3fc80 in dissect_ldap_pdu (tvb=0x200000000039c138, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020, is_mscldap=0)
    at packet-ldap.c:2758
	plain_tree = (proto_tree *) 0x1
	gssapi_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x200000000039c1e8
	plain_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x200000000039c240
	ver_len = 178
	length = 178
	decr_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x0
	sasl_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x0
	length = 178
	sasl_tree = (proto_tree *) 0x200000000039a8a0
	sasl_len = 178
	sasl_msg_len = 182
	offset = 0
	conversation = (conversation_t *) 0xb6
	doing_sasl_security = 1
	length_remaining = 3785192
	ldap_info = (ldap_conv_info_t *) 0x200000000036f430
	ldap_tree = (proto_tree *) 0xb2
#8  0x2000000040c3fec0 in dissect_ldap (tvb=0x200000000039c138, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet-ldap.c:2797
No locals.
#9  0x200000004075b3d0 in call_dissector_through_handle (
    handle=0x20000000002a2e00, tvb=0x200000000039c138, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet.c:395
	saved_proto = 0x2000000041061178 "LDAP"
	ret = 1
#10 0x200000004075c000 in call_dissector_work (handle=0x20000000002a2e00, 
    tvb=0x200000000039c138, pinfo_arg=0x200000000029ba10, 
    tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet.c:570
	pinfo = (packet_info * volatile) 0x200000000029ba10
	saved_proto = 0x20000000411d57f0 "TCP"
	saved_can_desegment = 0
	ret = 1422
	save_writable = 536870912
	save_dl_src = {type = 543515502, len = 1629513327, 
  data = 0x202020202020200a <Address 0x202020202020200a out of bounds>}
	save_dl_dst = {type = 538976288, len = 538976288, 
  data = 0x7065636e6f632020 <Address 0x7065636e6f632020 out of bounds>}
	save_net_src = {type = 1818326388, len = 2003792416, 
  data = 0x206f7420646e6120 <Address 0x206f7420646e6120 out of bounds>}
	save_net_dst = {type = 1702257000, len = 1937008928, 
  data = 0x2073757461747320 <Address 0x2073757461747320 out of bounds>}
	save_src = {type = 1869903201, len = 1769234797, 
  data = 0x657320796c6c6163 <Address 0x657320796c6c6163 out of bounds>}
	save_dst = {type = 538970740, len = 538976288, 
  data = 0x2020202020202020 <Address 0x2020202020202020 out of bounds>}
	saved_layer_names_len = 10
#11 0x200000004075c990 in dissector_try_port (
    sub_dissectors=0x20000000001ab480, port=389, tvb=0x200000000039c138, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet.c:845
	dtbl_entry = (dtbl_entry_t *) 0x1
	handle = (struct dissector_handle *) 0x20000000002a2e00
	saved_match_port = 6
#12 0x2000000040ec0130 in decode_tcp_ports (tvb=0x200000000039c138, offset=20, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020, src_port=2458, 
    dst_port=2458) at packet-tcp.c:2535
	next_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x200000000039c138
	low_port = 389
	high_port = 2458
#13 0x2000000040ec05f0 in process_tcp_payload (tvb=0x200000000039c0e0, 
    offset=20, pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020, 
    tcp_tree=0x200000000039a4e0, src_port=2458, dst_port=389, seq=4293984769, 
    nxtseq=4293984951, is_tcp_segment=1) at packet-tcp.c:2582
	except_sn = {except_down = 0x9fffffffffffd930, 
  except_type = XCEPT_CATCHER, except_info = {
    except_catcher = 0x9fffffffffffcf30, except_cleanup = 0x9fffffffffffcf30}}
	except_ch = {except_id = 0x20000000412537f0, except_size = 1, 
  except_obj = {except_id = {except_group = 1, except_code = 2}, 
    except_message = 0x2000000040f930b0 "XCEPT_GROUP_ETHEREAL", 
    except_dyndata = 0x0}, except_jmp = {{buf = {0, 0, <invalid float value>, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, -inf, <invalid float value>, 0, 0, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0, 0, <invalid float value>, 
        -nan(0x4928824398483892), -inf, <invalid float value>, 0, 
        <invalid float value>, inf, inf, -0, -0, <invalid float value>, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, 0, 0, 0}}}}
	exc = (except_t *) 0x0
	catch_spec = {{except_group = 1, except_code = 0}}
#14 0x2000000040ec0a70 in dissect_tcp_payload (tvb=0x200000000039c0e0, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, offset=20, seq=4293984769, nxtseq=4293984951, 
    sport=2458, dport=389, tree=0x200000000039b020, 
    tcp_tree=0x200000000039a4e0) at packet-tcp.c:2662
	save_fragmented = 0
#15 0x2000000040ec2e80 in dissect_tcp (tvb=0x200000000039c0e0, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet-tcp.c:3087
	th_sum = 182
	th_urp = 3335
	tcp_tree = (proto_tree *) 0x200000000039a4e0
	field_tree = (proto_tree *) 0xb6
	ti = (proto_item *) 0x200000000039a4e0
	tf = (proto_item *) 0x1
	offset = 20
	flags = "PSH, ACK", '\0' <repeats 55 times>
	fstr = {0x2000000041084e18 "FIN", 0x20000000411d7000 "SYN", 
  0x20000000411dbf68 "RST", 0x2000000041252230 "PSH", 
  0x200000004108b620 "ACK", 0x2000000041252238 "URG", 
  0x200000004120e340 "ECN", 0x200000004120e118 "CWR"}
	fpos = 8
	i = 1098406992
	bpos = 8
	optlen = 1098406992
	nxtseq = 4293984951
	reported_len = 202
	cksum_vec = {{
    ptr = 0x200000000041201a "\200\207\202\227\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027", len = 4}, {
    ptr = 0x200000000041201e "\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027", len = 4}, {ptr = 0x9fffffffffffd2a0 "", len = 4}, {
    ptr = 0x2000000000412022 "\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027", len = 202}}
	phdr = {3388999168, 0}
	computed_cksum = 3335
	real_window = 17520
	length_remaining = 182
	desegment_ok = 1081434352
	tcpinfo = {seq = 4293984769, nxtseq = 4293984951, is_reassembled = 0, 
  urgent = 0, urgent_pointer = 43690}
	tcphstruct = {{th_seq = 169, th_ack = 1992, th_have_seglen = 1, 
    th_seglen = 344, th_win = 16988, th_sport = 2458, th_dport = 389, 
    th_hlen = 20 '\024', th_flags = 24 '\030', ip_src = {type = AT_IPv4, 
      len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201a "\200\207\202\227\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}, ip_dst = {type = AT_IPv4, len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201e "\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}}, {th_seq = 1992, th_ack = 513, th_have_seglen = 1, th_seglen = 1422, 
    th_win = 64463, th_sport = 389, th_dport = 2458, th_hlen = 20 '\024', 
    th_flags = 24 '\030', ip_src = {type = AT_IPv4, len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201a "\200\207\202\227\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}, ip_dst = {type = AT_IPv4, len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201e "\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}}, {th_seq = 4293984769, th_ack = 3414, th_have_seglen = 1, 
    th_seglen = 182, th_win = 17520, th_sport = 2458, th_dport = 389, 
    th_hlen = 20 '\024', th_flags = 24 '\030', ip_src = {type = AT_IPv4, 
      len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201a "\200\207\202\227\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}, ip_dst = {type = AT_IPv4, len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201e "\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}}, {th_seq = 1795, th_ack = 169, th_have_seglen = 1, th_seglen = 197, 
    th_win = 64807, th_sport = 389, th_dport = 2458, th_hlen = 20 '\024', 
    th_flags = 24 '\030', ip_src = {type = AT_IPv4, len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201a "\200\207\202\227\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}, ip_dst = {type = AT_IPv4, len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201e "\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}}}
	tcph = (struct tcpheader *) 0x20000000417a5f70
	tcph_count = 2
#16 0x200000004075b3d0 in call_dissector_through_handle (
    handle=0x200000000031b4e0, tvb=0x200000000039c0e0, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet.c:395
	saved_proto = 0x20000000411d57f0 "TCP"
	ret = 1
#17 0x200000004075c000 in call_dissector_work (handle=0x200000000031b4e0, 
    tvb=0x200000000039c0e0, pinfo_arg=0x200000000029ba10, 
    tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet.c:570
	pinfo = (packet_info * volatile) 0x200000000029ba10
	saved_proto = 0x2000000040fd1820 "IP"
	saved_can_desegment = 0
	ret = 1442
	save_writable = 536870912
	save_dl_src = {type = 874538348, len = 1700929647, 
  data = 0x65696669646f6d20 <Address 0x65696669646f6d20 out of bounds>}
	save_dl_dst = {type = 4294901840, len = -1610612737, 
  data = 0x1400000031 <Address 0x1400000031 out of bounds>}
	save_net_src = {type = 909259008, len = 536870912, 
  data = 0x6120202020202020 <Address 0x6120202020202020 out of bounds>}
	save_net_dst = {type = 1074659328, len = 536870912, 
  data = 0x6568746568772072 <Address 0x6568746568772072 out of bounds>}
	save_src = {type = 942800896, len = 536870912, 
  data = 0x356175747065636e <Address 0x356175747065636e out of bounds>}
	save_dst = {type = 1650603621, len = -1, 
  data = 0x1003e <Address 0x1003e out of bounds>}
	saved_layer_names_len = 6
#18 0x200000004075c990 in dissector_try_port (
    sub_dissectors=0x20000000000a7ac0, port=6, tvb=0x200000000039c0e0, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet.c:845
	dtbl_entry = (dtbl_entry_t *) 0x1
	handle = (struct dissector_handle *) 0x200000000031b4e0
	saved_match_port = 2048
#19 0x2000000040bcfa30 in dissect_ip (tvb=0x200000000039c088, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, parent_tree=0x200000000039b020)
    at packet-ip.c:1133
	ip_tree = (proto_tree *) 0x200000000039b230
	field_tree = (proto_tree *) 0x200000000029baec
	ti = (proto_item *) 0x200000000039b230
	tf = (proto_item *) 0x6
	addr = 209880960
	offset = 20
	hlen = 20
	optlen = 2734832
	flags = 0
	nxt = 6 '\006'
	ipsum = 0
	ipfd_head = (fragment_data *) 0x0
	next_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x200000000039c0e0
	update_col_info = 1
	save_fragmented = 0
	eip_arr = {{ip_v_hl = 69 'E', ip_tos = 0 '\0', ip_len = 237, 
    ip_id = 58780, ip_off = 16384, ip_ttl = 0 '\0', ip_p = 6 '\006', 
    ip_sum = 3772, ip_src = {type = AT_IPv4, len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201a "\200\207\202\227\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}, ip_dst = {type = AT_IPv4, len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201e "\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}}, {ip_v_hl = 69 'E', ip_tos = 0 '\0', ip_len = 384, ip_id = 3499, 
    ip_off = 16384, ip_ttl = 0 '\0', ip_p = 6 '\006', ip_sum = 58906, 
    ip_src = {type = AT_IPv4, len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201a "\200\207\202\227\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}, ip_dst = {type = AT_IPv4, len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201e "\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}}, {ip_v_hl = 69 'E', ip_tos = 0 '\0', ip_len = 1462, ip_id = 58781, 
    ip_off = 16384, ip_ttl = 0 '\0', ip_p = 6 '\006', ip_sum = 2546, ip_src = {
      type = AT_IPv4, len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201a "\200\207\202\227\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}, ip_dst = {type = AT_IPv4, len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201e "\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}}, {ip_v_hl = 69 'E', ip_tos = 0 '\0', ip_len = 222, ip_id = 3500, 
    ip_off = 16384, ip_ttl = 0 '\0', ip_p = 6 '\006', ip_sum = 59067, 
    ip_src = {type = AT_IPv4, len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201a "\200\207\202\227\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}, ip_dst = {type = AT_IPv4, len = 4, 
      data = 0x200000000041201e "\200\207\202\f\t\232\001\205�6,���d<P\030Dp�\027"}}}
	eip_current = 3
	iph = (e_ip *) 0x200000004179d650
	src_addr = (const guchar *) 0x200000000039c0e0 "\001"
	dst_addr = (const guchar *) 0x200000000039c0e0 "\001"
	src32 = 2156364439
	dst32 = 2156364300
	tree = (proto_tree *) 0x200000000039b020
	item = (proto_item *) 0x1
#20 0x200000004075b3d0 in call_dissector_through_handle (
    handle=0x20000000000a7ae0, tvb=0x200000000039c088, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet.c:395
	saved_proto = 0x2000000040fd1820 "IP"
	ret = 1
#21 0x200000004075c000 in call_dissector_work (handle=0x20000000000a7ae0, 
    tvb=0x200000000039c088, pinfo_arg=0x200000000029ba10, 
    tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet.c:570
	pinfo = (packet_info * volatile) 0x200000000029ba10
	saved_proto = 0x2000000040fa0ac8 "Ethernet"
	saved_can_desegment = 0
	ret = 1462
	save_writable = 0
	save_dl_src = {type = AT_NONE, len = -1879048192, 
  data = 0xffec <Address 0xffec out of bounds>}
	save_dl_dst = {type = 4294967295, len = 2147483647, 
  data = 0x1003e <Address 0x1003e out of bounds>}
	save_net_src = {type = 3316528, len = 536870912, 
  data = 0x18124 <Address 0x18124 out of bounds>}
	save_net_dst = {type = 1129513018, len = 1414547794, 
  data = 0x72000067004e4f49 <Address 0x72000067004e4f49 out of bounds>}
	save_src = {type = 1415839869, len = 1936744818, 
  data = 0x736500 <Address 0x736500 out of bounds>}
	save_dst = {type = AT_NONE, len = 0, 
  data = 0x41af3b7b <Address 0x41af3b7b out of bounds>}
	saved_layer_names_len = 3
#22 0x200000004075c990 in dissector_try_port (
    sub_dissectors=0x20000000000a6da0, port=2048, tvb=0x200000000039c088, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet.c:845
	dtbl_entry = (dtbl_entry_t *) 0x1
	handle = (struct dissector_handle *) 0x20000000000a7ae0
	saved_match_port = 1
#23 0x2000000040a3f210 in ethertype (etype=2048, tvb=0x200000000039c030, 
    offset_after_etype=14, pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020, 
    fh_tree=0x200000000039af90, etype_id=5956, trailer_id=5958, fcs_len=-1)
    at packet-ethertype.c:186
	except_sn = {except_down = 0x9fffffffffffe1e0, 
  except_type = XCEPT_CATCHER, except_info = {
    except_catcher = 0x9fffffffffffd950, except_cleanup = 0x9fffffffffffd950}}
	except_ch = {except_id = 0x2000000041090a48, except_size = 1, 
  except_obj = {except_id = {except_group = 1, except_code = 2}, 
    except_message = 0x2000000040f930b0 "XCEPT_GROUP_ETHEREAL", 
    except_dyndata = 0x0}, except_jmp = {{buf = {0, 0, <invalid float value>, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, -inf, <invalid float value>, 0, 0, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0, 0, <invalid float value>, 
        -nan(0x4928824398483892), -inf, <invalid float value>, 0, 
        <invalid float value>, inf, inf, -0, -0, <invalid float value>, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, 0, 0, 0}}}}
	exc = (except_t *) 0x8
	catch_spec = {{except_group = 1, except_code = 0}}
	description = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>
	next_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x200000000039c088
	length_before = 222
	dissector_found = 0
	saved_proto = 0x2000000040fa0ac8 "Ethernet"
#24 0x2000000040a3adf0 in dissect_eth_common (tvb=0x200000000039c030, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, parent_tree=0x200000000039b020, fcs_len=-1)
    at packet-eth.c:311
	ehdr = (eth_hdr * volatile) 0x20000000417991d8
	is_802_2 = 1734439968
	fh_tree = (proto_tree * volatile) 0x200000000039af90
	src_addr = 0x2000000000412006 ""
	dst_addr = 0x2000000000412000 ""
	ehdrs = {{dst = {type = AT_ETHER, len = 6, 
      data = 0x2000000000412000 ""}, src = {type = AT_ETHER, len = 6, 
      data = 0x2000000000412006 ""}, type = 2048}, {dst = {type = AT_ETHER, 
      len = 6, data = 0x2000000000412000 ""}, src = {type = AT_ETHER, len = 6, 
      data = 0x2000000000412006 ""}, type = 2048}, {dst = {type = AT_ETHER, 
      len = 6, data = 0x2000000000412000 ""}, src = {type = AT_ETHER, len = 6, 
      data = 0x2000000000412006 ""}, type = 2048}, {dst = {type = AT_ETHER, 
      len = 6, data = 0x2000000000412000 ""}, src = {type = AT_ETHER, len = 6, 
      data = 0x2000000000412006 ""}, type = 2048}}
	ehdr_num = 2
	tree = (proto_tree * volatile) 0x200000000039b020
#25 0x2000000040a3b140 in dissect_eth_maybefcs (tvb=0x200000000039c030, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet-eth.c:407
No locals.
#26 0x200000004075b3d0 in call_dissector_through_handle (
    handle=0x20000000002cfbe0, tvb=0x200000000039c030, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet.c:395
	saved_proto = 0x2000000040fa0ac8 "Ethernet"
	ret = 1
#27 0x200000004075c000 in call_dissector_work (handle=0x20000000002cfbe0, 
    tvb=0x200000000039c030, pinfo_arg=0x200000000029ba10, 
    tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet.c:570
	pinfo = (packet_info * volatile) 0x200000000029ba10
	saved_proto = 0x2000000041083968 "Frame"
	saved_can_desegment = 0
	ret = 1476
	save_writable = 0
	save_dl_src = {type = 4294958784, len = -1610612737, data = 0x0}
	save_dl_dst = {type = 1108945168, len = 536870912, 
  data = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>}
	save_net_src = {type = 1074634752, len = 536870912, 
  data = 0x20000000400da200 "z�P�"}
	save_net_dst = {type = 1074635776, len = 536870912, 
  data = 0x20000000400da600 "z�P�"}
	save_src = {type = 909324849, len = 536870912, 
  data = 0x20000000400daa00 "z�P�"}
	save_dst = {type = 909324849, len = 536870912, 
  data = 0x20000000400dae00 "z�P�"}
	saved_layer_names_len = 0
#28 0x200000004075c990 in dissector_try_port (
    sub_dissectors=0x20000000000a7060, port=1, tvb=0x200000000039c030, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet.c:845
	dtbl_entry = (dtbl_entry_t *) 0x1
	handle = (struct dissector_handle *) 0x20000000002cfbe0
	saved_match_port = 0
#29 0x2000000040a78d40 in dissect_frame (tvb=0x200000000039c030, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, parent_tree=0x200000000039b020)
    at packet-frame.c:222
	except_sn = {except_down = 0x9fffffffffffe770, 
  except_type = XCEPT_CATCHER, except_info = {
    except_catcher = 0x9fffffffffffe200, except_cleanup = 0x9fffffffffffe200}}
	except_ch = {except_id = 0x20000000410a7178, except_size = 1, 
  except_obj = {except_id = {except_group = 1, except_code = 1}, 
    except_message = 0x2000000040f930b0 "XCEPT_GROUP_ETHEREAL", 
    except_dyndata = 0x0}, except_jmp = {{buf = {0, 0, <invalid float value>, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, -inf, <invalid float value>, 0, 0, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0, 0, <invalid float value>, 
        -nan(0x4928824398483892), -inf, <invalid float value>, 0, 
        <invalid float value>, inf, inf, -0, -0, <invalid float value>, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, 0, 0, 0}}}}
	exc = (except_t *) 0x0
	catch_spec = {{except_group = 1, except_code = 0}}
	fh_tree = (proto_tree *) 0x200000000039aed0
	ti = (proto_item * volatile) 0x200000000039ae10
	ts = {secs = 0, nsecs = 698456000}
	cap_len = 236
	pkt_len = 236
	tree = (proto_tree *) 0x200000000039b020
	item = (proto_item *) 0x1
#30 0x200000004075b3d0 in call_dissector_through_handle (
    handle=0x20000000000a7080, tvb=0x200000000039c030, 
    pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet.c:395
	saved_proto = 0x2000000041083968 "Frame"
	ret = 1
#31 0x200000004075c000 in call_dissector_work (handle=0x20000000000a7080, 
    tvb=0x200000000039c030, pinfo_arg=0x200000000029ba10, 
    tree=0x200000000039b020) at packet.c:570
	pinfo = (packet_info * volatile) 0x200000000029ba10
	saved_proto = 0x2000000040f905f0 "<Missing Protocol Name>"
	saved_can_desegment = 0
	ret = 4292872
	save_writable = 536870912
	save_dl_src = {type = AT_NONE, len = 0, data = 0x0}
	save_dl_dst = {type = 808464438, len = 536870912, 
  data = 0x3634373936ad5800 <Address 0x3634373936ad5800 out of bounds>}
	save_net_src = {type = 909324907, len = 1852793695, 
  data = 0x3a7265646e756f66 <Address 0x3a7265646e756f66 out of bounds>}
	save_net_dst = {type = 1110638624, len = 825373254, 
  data = 0x3538424537464646 <Address 0x3538424537464646 out of bounds>}
	save_src = {type = 2687046, len = -1610612737, 
  data = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>}
	save_dst = {type = 4294960512, len = -1610612737, 
  data = 0x3e <Address 0x3e out of bounds>}
	saved_layer_names_len = 0
#32 0x200000004075f000 in call_dissector (handle=0x20000000000a7080, 
    tvb=0x200000000039c030, pinfo=0x200000000029ba10, tree=0x200000000039b020)
    at packet.c:1713
	ret = 1
	__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "call_dissector"
#33 0x200000004075b090 in dissect_packet (edt=0x200000000029ba00, 
    pseudo_header=0x200000000029ae48, pd=0x2000000000412000 "", 
    fd=0x9fffffffffffe9f0, cinfo=0x0) at packet.c:334
	except_sn = {except_down = 0x0, except_type = XCEPT_CATCHER, 
  except_info = {except_catcher = 0x9fffffffffffe790, 
    except_cleanup = 0x9fffffffffffe790}}
	except_ch = {except_id = 0x2000000040f907c0, except_size = 1, 
  except_obj = {except_id = {except_group = 0, except_code = 0}, 
    except_message = 0x0, except_dyndata = 0x0}, except_jmp = {{buf = {0, 0, 
        <invalid float value>, <invalid float value>, 0, -inf, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, 0, <invalid float value>, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0, 0, 
        <invalid float value>, -nan(0x4928824398483892), -inf, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, <invalid float value>, inf, inf, -0, -0, 
        <invalid float value>, <invalid float value>, 0, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, 0}}}}
	exc = (except_t *) 0x8
	catch_spec = {{except_group = 1, except_code = 0}}
	__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "dissect_packet"
#34 0x2000000040755690 in epan_dissect_run (edt=0x200000000029ba00, 
    pseudo_header=0x200000000029ae48, data=0x2000000000412000 "", 
    fd=0x9fffffffffffe9f0, cinfo=0x0) at epan.c:153
No locals.
#35 0x2000000000036f40 in process_packet (cf=0x200000000008fc68, pdh=0x0, 
    offset=2305843009216428544, whdr=0x200000000029ae28, 
    pseudo_header=0x200000000029ae48, pd=0x2000000000412000 "", 
    err=0x9fffffffffffea50) at tethereal.c:2338
	fdata = {next = 0x0, prev = 0x0, pfd = 0x0, num = 38, pkt_len = 236, 
  cap_len = 236, cum_bytes = 17913, rel_secs = 0, rel_usecs = 698456, 
  abs_secs = 1079620331, abs_usecs = 814610, del_secs = 0, del_usecs = 1054, 
  file_off = 18309, lnk_t = 1, flags = {passed_dfilter = 0, encoding = 0, 
    visited = 0, marked = 0, ref_time = 0}, color_filter = 0x9c40000000000000}
	create_proto_tree = 2734592
	edt = (epan_dissect_t *) 0x200000000029ba00
	passed = 1
#36 0x2000000000036450 in load_cap_file (cf=0x200000000008fc68, save_file=0x0, 
    out_file_type=588984) at tethereal.c:2151
	linktype = 2731560
	snapshot_length = 2731560
	pdh = (wtap_dumper *) 0x0
	err = -132746816
	err_info = (gchar *) 0x1003e <Address 0x1003e out of bounds>
	data_offset = 18309
#37 0x2000000000033390 in main (argc=6, argv=0x28) at tethereal.c:1334
	opt = 1
	i = 6
	arg_error = 654784
	gpf_path = 0x0
	pf_path = 0x0
	gdp_path = 0x0
	dp_path = 0x0
	gpf_open_errno = 0
	gpf_read_errno = -2147483648
	pf_open_errno = 0
	pf_read_errno = -2147483648
	gdp_open_errno = 65598
	gdp_read_errno = 0
	dp_open_errno = 65516
	dp_read_errno = 0
	err = 2147483647
	capture_filter_specified = 654792
	if_list = (GList *) 0x200000000036cc28
	if_entry = (GList *) 0x200000000009fdc0
	if_info = (if_info_t *) 0x1
	adapter_index = 1
	p = 0x20000000400d6170 "��\005"
	err_str = "\000�\r@\000\000\000 \000�\r@\000\000\000 \000�\r@\000\000\000 \000�\r@\000\000\000 \000�\r@\000\000\000 \000�\r@\000\000\000 \000�\r@\000\000\000 \000�\r@\000\000\000 \000�\r@\000\000\000 \000�\r@\000\000\000 \000�\r@\000\000\000 \000�\r@\000\000\000 \000�\r@\000\000\000 \000�\r@\000\000\000 \000�\016@\000\000\000 \000�\016@\000\000\000 \000�\016@\000\000\000 \000�\016@\000\000\000 \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\026]\001\000\000\000\000\000\000��\232\000\000\000\000>\000\001\000\000\000\000\000`������\237\025\000\000\000\024\000\000\000\000�\016@\000\000\000 "...
	cant_get_if_list_errstr = (gchar *) 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>
	list_link_layer_types = 0
	quiet = 0
	save_file = (gchar *) 0x0
	out_file_type = 2
	cf_name = (
    gchar *) 0x200000000036cac0 "/home/buildbot/ethereal/random/editcap.out"
	rfilter = (gchar *) 0x0
	start_capture = 0
	if_text = (gchar *) 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>
	lt_list = (GList *) 0x200000000009fdc0
	lt_entry = (GList *) 0x200000000036cc28
	data_link_info = (data_link_info_t *) 0x1
	fcode = {bf_len = 4026531840, bf_insns = 0x10003}
	rfcode = (dfilter_t *) 0x0
	prefs = (e_prefs *) 0x20000000417a7f60
	__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "main"

(no stderr output)

Bug 254 posted.