I just added write support to a crippled down version of the rf5
format, which I do not think a k12xx might open, anyway at least
ethereal does.
BTW, I need someone with an intel machine to try to open an rf5 file,
select some packets, save the file and open it again.
On Friday 17 June 2005 17:26:44 -0000 (GMT), lego@xxxxxxxxxxxx
<lego@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> User: lego
> Date: 2005/06/17 12:26 PM
> Log:
> - Write rf5 files (I don't think tektronix software will be able to read these, ethereal does)
> - change k12.atm.vci and k12.atm.vpi into atm.vci and atm.vpi
> Directory: /trunk/epan/dissectors/
> Changes Path Action
> +2 -2 packet-k12.c Modified
> Directory: /trunk/wiretap/
> Changes Path Action
> +1 -1 file_access.c Modified
> +256 -5 k12.c Modified
> +2 -0 k12.h Modified
> +8 -0 wtap-int.h Modified
> http://anonsvn.ethereal.com/viewcvs/viewcvs.py?rev=14682&view=rev
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