Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] How to trace Ethereal on WinXP using MSVC++?

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "Ivanov Anton" <anthony_johnson@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 08:01:02 +0400
RABRET Laurent RD-MAPS-ISS wrote:
For visual Studio 2003 (but it should be similar with older releases) create a new project/solution:

-        File / New / Project / General / Makefile Project

-        Enter this information :

1.     on build command line: nmake –f makefile.nmake (packaging)

2.     on rebuild command line: nmake –f makefile.nmake (packaging)

3.     on clean command line: nmake –f makefile.nmake distclean

4.     on output command line: $(SolutionDir)\ethereal.exe or $(SolutionDir)\ethereal-gtk2.exe

Caution: the project (XXX.sln, XXX.vcproj etc…) must be moved to the Ethereal root folder otherwise, you would have to change default directories.



This method is working, but I'm looking for some way to create a "real" project.
But thanx anyway.