Hash: SHA1
I think there was a thread a while back about multiline col_info in
ethereal. Maybe there is something there that was mentioned that could
be done. I will dig up those threads and see if there were
other ways to do this.
On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 11:57:41 -0800 spamcontrol2@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>I know I'm probably stating the obvious here, but I know people personally
>that have missed it.
>It's not so much that the scroll bar is missing (or that the scroll
>bar had anything to do with the Info column specifically), but that
>the default is to size the column to the right edge of the window.
> There's nothing to scroll TO.
>You can, of course, bring the "horizontal scroll bar" back by manually
>resizing columns wider than the current Ethereal window. One of
>the first things I do when I launch Ethereal usually is to move Ethereal
>off to the left side of the window partially, and drag the Info column
>width to the right quite a bit.
>The MAX_COLUMN_AUTORESIZE_WIDTH was a hack that didn't really work
>well (the alternative was potentially having "10-mile-wide" Info
>column) , it really only worked by adding code to some Ethereal-copied
>GTK+1.2 code, and didn't work if the user was running
>The hack (my code =) was removed and the current system is in place,
> waiting for someone to implement a better system...
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Glad to see I am not the only missing the horizontal scroll bar
>on the
>> info-column.
>> On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 11:12:52 -0800 Martin Regner <martin.regner@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >Jaime Fournier wrote:
>> >> The main panel where COL_INFO data is displayed.
>> >> I no longer have a horizontal scroll bar.
>> >> It simply cuts off col_info at the width of the screen.
>> >> I use to be able to scroll horizontally up to MAX_COLUMN_AUTORESIZE_WIDTH.
>> >> Is there more info other than that?
>> >> It seems according to the cvs logs that the autosizing was
>> >
>> >I think that it is OK that Ethereal doesn't auto-size the columns
>> >any more
>> >as it did a while ago.
>> >
>> >But I think that it could be good to put a greater default size
>> >for
>> >Info-column, i.e. change the
>> >string returned for COL_INFO from get_column_longest_string(gint
>> >format) in
>> >column.c so that there is a scroll bar.
>> >
>> >
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