Hello Guy,
Guy Harris wrote:
On Tue, Dec 23, 2003 at 10:04:24AM +0100, Lars Roland wrote:
tethereal.exe is called when we build the documentation for display
filters. Therefore all necessary dlls to run tethereal must be either in
the same directory as tethereal.exe (in this case it would be the main
directory of ethereal's sources) or in a directory which is specified in
the PATH variable in config.nmake.
Currently, we're no longer running tethereal.exe from the Ethereal
top-level directory; it now searches PATH for tethereal.exe, presumably.
It also means that if you have some older version of Ethereal installed
in a directory that *is* in your path, you will get display filter
documentation for that version of Ethereal rather than for the one
you're building.
On my PC nmake always calls tethereal.exe from within the top-level
source directory and it will find it there, because nmake will build it
before calling it, if it is not there. So nmake won't search the PATH
I used "File Monitor" from Sysinternals to check this.
I use the nmake scripts from cvs, and build with MSVC 6 on WinXP.
Fixing that would be a pain, as you'd have to somehow arrange that it
find all the appropriate DLLs (e.g. by putting the appropriate
directories in your PATH) *and* that it find the plugins (that's a
problem on UNIX as well).
The PATH settings in current config.nmake should already work. It should
find all necessary DLLs to run tethereal. Finding the dissector plugins
is still a problem.
Note for Glib and GTK+: extract the binary packages and the development
packages into the same directories (one directory for Glib and another
one for GTK).
Best Regards,