On Tue, Dec 23, 2003 at 10:04:24AM +0100, Lars Roland wrote:
> tethereal.exe is called when we build the documentation for display
> filters. Therefore all necessary dlls to run tethereal must be either in
> the same directory as tethereal.exe (in this case it would be the main
> directory of ethereal's sources) or in a directory which is specified in
> the PATH variable in config.nmake.
Currently, we're no longer running tethereal.exe from the Ethereal
top-level directory; it now searches PATH for tethereal.exe, presumably.
This means that my builds don't generate the display filter
documentation correctly (as neither the top-level Ethereal source
directory nor the top-level Ethereal installation directory happen to be
in my path on Windows).
It also means that if you have some older version of Ethereal installed
in a directory that *is* in your path, you will get display filter
documentation for that version of Ethereal rather than for the one
you're building.
Fixing that would be a pain, as you'd have to somehow arrange that it
find all the appropriate DLLs (e.g. by putting the appropriate
directories in your PATH) *and* that it find the plugins (that's a
problem on UNIX as well).