What about without profiling? Profiling definitely slows things down -
during some testing in Linux Ethereal was about 3 times slower than
Biot Olivier wrote:
[Message resent - pls ignore if received twice]
Forgot to mention:
Official 0.9.16 Win32 release (without profiling data of course) is about
twice as fast as the same release built with cygwin (with profiling data):
12 seconds without colorfilters, 13 seconds with color filters!
| Performance
| ===========
| 1. Official 0.9.16 release
| --------------------------
| 1.1 No colorfilters
| 1st read / Filter on "frame" / reset filter (seconds): 22 / 21 / 20
| 1.2 Colorfilters
| 1st read / Filter on "frame" / reset filter (seconds): 23 / 25 / 23
| 2. Current CVS snapshot (with PCRE support)
| -------------------------------------------
| 1.1 No colorfilters
| 1st read / Filter on "frame" / reset filter (seconds): 7 / 11 / 7
| 1.2 Colorfilters
| 1st read / Filter on "frame" / reset filter (seconds): 13 / 13 / 13
| Conclusion:
| If no color filters are applied, current Ethereal runs 2 to 3
| times faster
| than 0.9.16.
| If my color filters are applied, current Ethereal runs about
| twice as fast
| as 0.9.16.
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