Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Redesign of the WHOLE Ethereal main menu

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Blue Boar <BlueBoar@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 14:17:29 -0800
Ronnie Sahlberg wrote:
A few mockup screenshots would be very good, so one can see how
good/horrible it would look before it is implemented.
Thanks, let me see what I can do.

Yucc.  Please not a fourth pane.  We loose too much gui space in the main
window as it is already.
Any way it's done is fine by me, since I don't want it at all. :)  The 4th 
pane would only be a problem if someone wanted to actually use the info in 
it.  I'd be just as happy if it were a pop-up window, but I could turn it 
off.  Having a menu item that allows the capture to stop is a first step.
a capture->stop item sounds useful.
But the stop button should still remain in the capture dialog.
During the capture the main window is "unresponsive" and will not react to
any user input.
Ah, so maybe there's a non-cosmetic reason for it to be a seperate window, 
then?  There's something in the gtk that allows a seperate window to be 
responsive, and not a section of the main window?  I'm asking, I know 
nothing about this gtk.
This is for performance since having the gui completely responsive at this
point will make ethereal slower.
When etehreal slows down, the bandwidth treshold where we can capture
without packetloss is decreased.
Many people use Ethereal for high throughput high speed links.
For capturing medium to fully saturated GbE links  ethereal is useless and
tethereal must be used.
For capturing medum utilized 100baseT links Ethereal CAN be used if "update
in realtime" is not enabled.
For capturing low utilized 100baseT links or 10baseT links ethereal with
"update in realtime" can be used.
Is it safe to assume that if you had auto-scroll on when you started, then 
the ability to turn it off on the fly would improve performance in that 
I certainly don't want to push for any chages that will have a large impact 
on performance or usability.  I was just hoping for some small UI 
improvements (improvements for my use of Ethereal, of course.)
I'll work on some mockups.  If there's general agreement that some of my 
requests are low impact, then I can focus on those.  So far, I don't hear 
any general problem with a Capture->Stop menu item, barring any immediate 
changes to go with it?