Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Bug report : filter engine for float with LANG =="fr_FR"

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From: Pierre JUHEN <pierre.juhen@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 21:28:54 +0100
Works great !!

Thank you.


Guy Harris a �crit :

On Oct 27, 2003, at 1:07 PM, Pierre JUHEN wrote:

In French, float are represented with a comma instead of a dot.

In most if not all of Continental Europe, as I understand it, a comma rather than a dot is used as a "decimal point" (and the reverse applies to thousands separator).
Using it with match doesn't work. Filter engine says " , unexpected in this context".
It doesn't work even by replacing the comma by a dot.

But you probably get a different error:

    "123.456" is not a valid number.

or something such as that.

I am not an expert of "locale",  so, I am not able to propose a patch.

It's not a locale issue, it's a lexical analyzer issue; the lexical analyzer needs to allow ',' as a character in an "unparsed string".
I've checked in a change to allow that (and to allow '+' as a 
character in an "unparsed string", so you can do 1.234e+5 or 
1,234e+5).  That change doesn't affect the code that parses the 
resulting string, so whether a comma or a dot is allowed as a decimal 
point depends on the locale you're in.  (I tried the patched version 
with LANG set to "fr_FR", and it allowed 1,234e+5 but didn't allow 
I've attached a patch for the change I checked in.