Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] Additional commands dissected in SCSI

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Dinesh G Dutt <ddutt@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2003 21:39:38 -0700
This patch adds dissection code for the following additional SCSI commands:
     - Start/Stop Unit
     - Write Buffer
     - Send Diagnostics

It also contains a cleaned up patch for displaying the serial number EVPD.

*** packet-scsi.c	3 Sep 2003 20:58:09 -0000	1.33
--- packet-scsi.c	26 Oct 2003 04:37:21 -0000
*** 161,167 ****
  static int hf_scsi_persresv_scopeaddr    = -1;
  static int hf_scsi_add_cdblen = -1;
  static int hf_scsi_svcaction = -1;
  static gint ett_scsi         = -1;
  static gint ett_scsi_page    = -1;
--- 161,179 ----
  static int hf_scsi_persresv_scopeaddr    = -1;
  static int hf_scsi_add_cdblen = -1;
  static int hf_scsi_svcaction = -1;
! static int hf_scsi_ssu_immed = -1;
! static int hf_scsi_ssu_pwr_cond = -1;
! static int hf_scsi_ssu_loej = -1;
! static int hf_scsi_ssu_start = -1;
! static int hf_scsi_wb_mode = -1;
! static int hf_scsi_wb_bufferid = -1;
! static int hf_scsi_wb_bufoffset = -1;
! static int hf_scsi_paramlen24 = -1;
! static int hf_scsi_senddiag_st_code = -1;
! static int hf_scsi_senddiag_pf = -1;
! static int hf_scsi_senddiag_st = -1;
! static int hf_scsi_senddiag_devoff = -1;
! static int hf_scsi_senddiag_unitoff = -1;
  static gint ett_scsi         = -1;
  static gint ett_scsi_page    = -1;
*** 1162,1167 ****
--- 1174,1227 ----
      {0, NULL},
+ const value_string scsi_ssu_pwrcnd_val[] = {
+     {0x0, "No Change"},
+     {0x1, "Place Device In Active Condition"},
+     {0x2, "Place device into Idle condition"},
+     {0x3, "Place device into Standby condition"},
+     {0x4, "Reserved"},
+     {0x5, "Place device into Sleep condition"},
+     {0x6, "Reserved"},
+     {0x7, "Transfer control of power conditions to block device"},
+     {0x8, "Reserved"},
+     {0x9, "Reserved"},
+     {0xA, "Force Idle Condition Timer to zero"},
+     {0xB, "Force Standby Condition Timer to zero"},
+     {0, NULL},
+ };
+ const value_string scsi_wb_mode_val[] = {
+     {0x0, "Write combined header and data"},
+     {0x1, "Vendor specific"},
+     {0x2, "Write data"},
+     {0x3, "Reserved"},
+     {0x4, "Download microcode"},
+     {0x5, "Download microcode and save"},
+     {0x6, "Download microcode with offsets"},
+     {0x7, "Download microcode with offsets and save"},
+     {0x8, "Reserved"},
+     {0x9, "Reserved"},
+     {0xA, "Echo buffer"},
+     {0, NULL},
+ };
+ const value_string scsi_senddiag_st_code_val[] = {
+     {0, ""},
+     {0x1, "Start short self-test in background"},
+     {0x2, "Start extended self-test in background"},
+     {0x3, "Reserved"},
+     {0x4, "Abort background self-test"},
+     {0x5, "Foreground short self-test"},
+     {0x6, "Foreground extended self-test"},
+     {0x7, "Reserved"},
+     {0, NULL},
+ };
+ const true_false_string scsi_senddiag_pf_val[] = {
+     "Vendor-specific Page Format",
+     "Standard Page Format",
+ };
  static gint scsi_def_devtype = SCSI_DEV_SBC;
*** 1399,1405 ****
      proto_item *ti;
      guint pcode, plen, i, idlen;
      guint8 codeset, flags;
!     char str[256+1];
      if (tree) {
          pcode = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset+1);
--- 1459,1465 ----
      proto_item *ti;
      guint pcode, plen, i, idlen;
      guint8 codeset, flags;
!     const char *str;
      if (tree) {
          pcode = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset+1);
*** 1508,1515 ****
          case SCSI_EVPD_DEVSERNUM:
              if (plen > 0) {
!                 tvb_memcpy (tvb, str, offset, MIN(plen, sizeof(str) - 1));
!                 str[sizeof(str) - 1] = '\0';
                  proto_tree_add_text (evpd_tree, tvb, offset, plen,
                                       "Product Serial Number: %s", str);
--- 1568,1574 ----
          case SCSI_EVPD_DEVSERNUM:
              if (plen > 0) {
!                 str = tvb_get_ptr (tvb, offset, plen);
                  proto_tree_add_text (evpd_tree, tvb, offset, plen,
                                       "Product Serial Number: %s", str);
*** 3082,3087 ****
--- 3141,3168 ----
  static void
+ dissect_scsi_startstopunit (tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_,
+                             proto_tree *tree, guint offset, gboolean isreq,
+                             gboolean iscdb)
+ {
+     guint8 flags;
+     if (!tree || !iscdb)
+         return;
+     proto_tree_add_boolean (tree, hf_scsi_ssu_immed, tvb, offset, 1, 0);
+     proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_scsi_ssu_pwr_cond, tvb, offset+3, 1, 0);
+     proto_tree_add_boolean (tree, hf_scsi_ssu_loej, tvb, offset+3, 1, 0);
+     proto_tree_add_boolean (tree, hf_scsi_ssu_start, tvb, offset+3, 1, 0);
+     flags = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset+4);
+     proto_tree_add_uint_format (tree, hf_scsi_control, tvb, offset+4, 1,
+                                 flags,
+                                 "Vendor Unique = %u, NACA = %u, Link = %u",
+                                 flags & 0xC0, flags & 0x4, flags & 0x1);
+ }
+ static void
  dissect_scsi_testunitrdy (tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_,
                            proto_tree *tree, guint offset, gboolean isreq,
                            gboolean iscdb)
*** 3352,3357 ****
--- 3433,3482 ----
  static void
+ dissect_scsi_senddiag (tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree,
+                           guint offset, gboolean isreq, gboolean iscdb)
+ {
+     guint8 flags;
+     if (!tree && !isreq)
+         return;
+     proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_scsi_senddiag_st_code, tvb, offset, 1, 0);
+     proto_tree_add_boolean (tree, hf_scsi_senddiag_pf, tvb, offset, 1, 0);
+     proto_tree_add_boolean (tree, hf_scsi_senddiag_st, tvb, offset, 1, 0);
+     proto_tree_add_boolean (tree, hf_scsi_senddiag_devoff, tvb, offset, 1, 0);
+     proto_tree_add_boolean (tree, hf_scsi_senddiag_unitoff, tvb, offset, 1, 0);
+     proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_scsi_paramlen16, tvb, offset+2, 2, 0);
+     flags = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset+4);
+     proto_tree_add_uint_format (tree, hf_scsi_control, tvb, offset+8, 1,
+                                 flags,
+                                 "Vendor Unique = %u, NACA = %u, Link = %u",
+                                 flags & 0xC0, flags & 0x4, flags & 0x1);
+ }
+ static void
+ dissect_scsi_writebuffer (tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree,
+                           guint offset, gboolean isreq, gboolean iscdb)
+ {
+     guint8 flags;
+     if (!tree && !isreq)
+         return;
+     proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_scsi_wb_mode, tvb, offset, 1, 0);
+     proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_scsi_wb_bufferid, tvb, offset+1, 1, 0);
+     proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_scsi_wb_bufoffset, tvb, offset+2, 3, 0);
+     proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_scsi_paramlen24, tvb, offset+5, 3, 0);
+     flags = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset+8);
+     proto_tree_add_uint_format (tree, hf_scsi_control, tvb, offset+8, 1,
+                                 flags,
+                                 "Vendor Unique = %u, NACA = %u, Link = %u",
+                                 flags & 0xC0, flags & 0x4, flags & 0x1);
+ }
+ static void
  dissect_scsi_varlencdb (tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree,
                          guint offset, gboolean isreq, gboolean iscdb)
*** 4395,4405 ****
--- 4520,4540 ----
+         case SCSI_SPC2_SENDDIAG:
+             dissect_scsi_senddiag (tvb, pinfo, scsi_tree, offset+1, TRUE,
+                                    TRUE);
+             break;
          case SCSI_SPC2_TESTUNITRDY:
              dissect_scsi_testunitrdy (tvb, pinfo, scsi_tree, offset+1,
                                        TRUE, TRUE);
+         case SCSI_SPC2_WRITEBUFFER:
+             dissect_scsi_writebuffer (tvb, pinfo, scsi_tree, offset+1, TRUE,
+                                       TRUE);
+             break;
          case SCSI_SPC2_VARLENCDB:
              dissect_scsi_varlencdb (tvb, pinfo, scsi_tree, offset+1,
                                      TRUE, TRUE);
*** 4419,4424 ****
--- 4554,4564 ----
+             dissect_scsi_startstopunit (tvb, pinfo, scsi_tree, offset+1, TRUE,
+                                         TRUE);
+             break;
          case SCSI_SBC2_READ6:
              dissect_scsi_sbc2_rdwr6 (tvb, pinfo, scsi_tree, offset+1, TRUE,
*** 4754,4759 ****
--- 4894,4904 ----
+             case SCSI_SBC2_STARTSTOPUNIT:
+                 dissect_scsi_startstopunit (tvb, pinfo, scsi_tree, offset, isreq,
+                                             FALSE);
+                 break;
              case SCSI_SBC2_READ6:
                  dissect_scsi_sbc2_rdwr6 (tvb, pinfo, scsi_tree, offset, isreq,
*** 5116,5121 ****
--- 5261,5306 ----
          { &hf_scsi_svcaction,
            {"Service Action", "scsi.spc2.svcaction", FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL,
             0x0, "", HFILL}},
+         { &hf_scsi_ssu_immed,
+           {"Immediate", "scsi.sbc2.ssu.immediate", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_DEC, NULL,
+            0x1, "", HFILL}},
+         { &hf_scsi_ssu_pwr_cond,
+           {"Power Conditions", "scsi.sbc2.ssu.pwr", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX,
+            VALS (scsi_ssu_pwrcnd_val), 0xF0, "", HFILL}},
+         { &hf_scsi_ssu_loej,
+           {"LOEJ", "scsi.sbc2.ssu.loej", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x2, "",
+            HFILL}},
+         { &hf_scsi_ssu_start,
+           {"Start", "scsi.sbc2.ssu.start", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x1,
+            "", HFILL}},
+         { &hf_scsi_wb_mode,
+           {"Mode", "scsi.spc2.wb.mode", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX,
+            VALS (scsi_wb_mode_val), 0xF, "", HFILL}},
+         { &hf_scsi_wb_bufferid,
+           {"Buffer ID", "", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
+            "", HFILL}},
+         { &hf_scsi_wb_bufoffset,
+           {"Buffer Offset", "scsi.spc2.wb.bufoff", FT_UINT24, BASE_HEX, NULL,
+            0x0, "", HFILL}},
+         { &hf_scsi_paramlen24,
+           {"Paremeter List Length", "scsi.cdb.paramlen24", FT_UINT24, BASE_HEX,
+            NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL}},
+         { &hf_scsi_senddiag_st_code,
+           {"Self-Test Code", "scsi.spc2.senddiag.code", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX,
+            VALS (scsi_senddiag_st_code_val), 0xE0, "", HFILL}},
+         { &hf_scsi_senddiag_pf,
+           {"PF", "", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_HEX,
+            TFS (scsi_senddiag_pf_val), 0x10, "", HFILL}},
+         { &hf_scsi_senddiag_st,
+           {"Self Test", "", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_HEX, NULL,
+            0x4, "", HFILL}},
+         { &hf_scsi_senddiag_devoff,
+           {"Device Offline", "scsi.spc2.senddiag.devoff", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_HEX,
+            NULL, 0x2, "", HFILL}},
+         { &hf_scsi_senddiag_unitoff,
+           {"Unit Offline", "scsi.spc2.senddiag.unitoff", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_HEX,
+            NULL, 0x1, "", HFILL}},
      /* Setup protocol subtree array */
I am not young enough to know everything. - Oscar Wilde