Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Wish list item 22 - compare packets

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Jason Copenhaver <jcopenha@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 22:11:10 -0400 (EDT)
On Tue, 2 Sep 2003, Guy Harris wrote:

> On Thursday, August 28, 2003, at 6:43 PM, Jason Copenhaver wrote:
> > This is only the begining, right now it allows you to mark a couple of
> > packets for compare
> Unfortunately:
> 	1) it makes the old control-M to mark a packet no longer work;

Woops.. a hazard of cutting and pasting the GUI code.. 

> 	2) you can't tell from the display whether a packet is marked with 
> "Mark Frame" or marked as a compare window.

Again, minor I'll look at changing that

> I'd suggest, instead, just having a "Display marked packets in new 
> window" option, and not add a new type of marking.  If you *must* add a 
> new type of marking, then
> 	1) don't use control-M, use something not already in use;
> 	2) arrange that frames marked for comparison be visually different 
> (ideally, visually different even to the non-color-blind) from frames 
> marked with "Mark Frame".
> Also, if *no* frames are marked for comparison, either
> 	1) the "show compare packet in new window" (which should really be 
> "compare packets", plural) menu item should be grayed-out and inactive
> or
> 	2) it should tell you that no packets have been selected for 
> comparison in a more user-friendly way than printing "argghh..!!" 
> printed and aborting with a null pointer dereference.

Yes, it should be greyed out when no packets are marked.  I didn't really 
like the idea of reusing the marked packets for the compare so I made my 
own mark..  It's easy enough to switch either way.  The little things that 
you noticed were things I knew were there I was just tired of having it 
sit on my machine without anyone else looking at it.  I'll make the 
corrections and keep the list updated on my progress.  Thanks for the 

Jason Copenhaver