Hi list
After Guy Harris comments I have updated this
document which i will use to write flow chart for ethereal .
As i wrote earlier idea is to understand
ethereal design without going in details of
I would like to make it very user friendly give you
comment on whole or part of it.
Packet Capturing
For Capturing the packet ethereal uses libpcap
library so libpcap format is the native format
man page on your OS)
When capturing, it finds out the DLT_ type by
calling "pcap_datalink()" (and, on AIX, checking to see if we got one of
bogus values that AIX's
"pcap_datalink()" returns and converting it to a *normal* link-layer
value). "pcap_datalink()" gets
it from the pcap_t data structure; it's
filled in by "pcap_open_live()" (or "pcap_open_offline()", but
Ethereal doesn't use that) -
"pcap_open_live()" gets it by using whatever
the appropriate call is for the OS and packet capture mechanism
When saving packets from the File > Save As...
menu item, You can save file in different format like sniffer,sun snoop
To Do: General discussion on what are the
general differences in terms of information written in different file
I would like to find out
between two different format only headers are different or the way packet bytes
are written is also different)
My guess
is the general format is file header followed by packet bytes written
sequentially. For file header the most important field type is
link type
since for any format this will be used to interpret the packet bytes after the
header. Hi guys give more details on
this specialy headers of different file typs)
Analysis of a captured file
Origin of capture file may be ethereal (ie
previously captured file) or packet captured and saved using some
other software (e.g. .enc file obtained using sniffer)
Once the file is opened using ethereal Following
steps are performed (Let me know if i am right)
ethereal read the file header to find
out file header size,file format and link type)
Ethereal uses witretap library to call the dissector
In wireetap library link type is mapped to some numerical value. When a file is loaded
uses this numerical value of link type to find out whether a discetor with
this value is registered.
Registered means is there a routine available for
this file type which parse through the packet and find out different field. (For
writting a new discetor read readme.developer in ethereal source
As the packet is parsed From packet header other
higher level protocols are found from the packet header and corresponding dissector are called .
Consider example of ethernet (Let me know if i
am write)
Suppose the packet is from ethernet link ,wiretap library
calls ethernet dissector.
ethernet header it is found that packet is a ip packet so now ip dissector is called.
from ip header it is found that it is a tcp packet so dissector for tcp is called
from tcp header it find out its a http packet so http dissector will be called