Title: RE: [Ethereal-dev] RE: Help please, compiling 0.9.7
This is what I had to do to get everything to link with VC7:
In config.nmake file under ethereal-0.9.7 root I changed the LOCAL_LDFLAGS line as follows
This is because for some reason MSVCRT and LIBC C runtime libraries were being brought in in certain links, while the correct library should be MSVCRTD for multithreaded, DLL, debug. The Verbose option shows which libraries are being searched.
I also changed the makefile.nmake file in the ethereal-0.9.7 root and epan\dfilter directories as follows:
$(CC) $(cvarsdll) $(CFLAGS) -Fd.\ -c $<
Note that "cvarsdll" was in capitals but I changed it to lower case so that it comes out of the win32.mak include file. I believe that definition is more correct. I also added the line
include <win32.mak>
into epan\dfilter\makefile.nmake
After this it linked successfully but would not execute under WinNT. It does seem to work under Win2K and XP except that there is an assertion error which I tell it to ignore for now. The last may be due to me not having the latest distribution libraries installed yet.
For more helpful hints for win32, see "step by step" from 2002/10/31
> Has this issue been resolved? I am having the same problem with VC7. > The makefiles seem to be bringing in conflicting libraries when linking.
Nobody replied to the original message (except you :) Can I ask a more specific question, people: Has anyone built Ethereal with Visual Studio .NET (ie VC7)? If so, it would be helpful to know what release of Ethereal, and if there were any issues, but mainly, has anyone got it working? -- Richard Urwin, Private "No 9000 series computer has ever made a mitsake or corrubiteddatatato."