I find a problem in unreserved bandwidth display for TE extensions to ISIS,
which always shows the same value for all 8 unreserved bandwidths (priority
to priority 7). I looked at the function dissect_subclv_unrsv_bw() in file
and found that it uses the same offset to get the unreserved bandwidth for
8 priorities. The corrected code for function dissect_subclv_unrsv_bw() is
as follows:
static void
dissect_subclv_unrsv_bw(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree,
int offset)
proto_item *ti;
proto_tree *ntree;
guint32 ui;
gfloat bw;
int i;
ti = proto_tree_add_text (tree, tvb, offset-2, 34, "Unreserved
ntree = proto_item_add_subtree (ti, ett_isis_lsp_subclv_unrsv_bw);
for (i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) {
ui = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset+4*i);;
memcpy (&bw, &ui, 4);
proto_tree_add_text (ntree, tvb, offset+4*i, 4,
"priority level %d: %.2f Mbps", i, bw*8/1000000 );
Could any of you update your source code according to the above correction
for me?
so all the ethereal users can benifit from this fix.
Chenjiang Hu
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