Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] More minor mods to packet-iscsi.c

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Mark Burton <markb@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 12:29:07 GMT
Our policy is one of continual improvement.

Index: packet-iscsi.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/ethereal/packet-iscsi.c,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -3 -p -c -r1.24 packet-iscsi.c
*** packet-iscsi.c	2002/01/31 00:44:36	1.24
--- packet-iscsi.c	2002/02/01 12:27:28
*************** static guint32 iscsi_init_count = 25;
*** 228,233 ****
--- 228,238 ----
+ #define ISCSI_SCSI_DATA_FLAG_S 0x01
+ #define ISCSI_SCSI_DATA_FLAG_U 0x02
+ #define ISCSI_SCSI_DATA_FLAG_O 0x04
+ #define ISCSI_SCSI_DATA_FLAG_F 0x80
  static const value_string iscsi_opcodes[] = {
    { ISCSI_OPCODE_NOP_OUT,                           "NOP Out" },
    { ISCSI_OPCODE_SCSI_COMMAND,                      "SCSI Command" },
*************** static const value_string iscsi_scsicomm
*** 328,340 ****
      {0, NULL},
! static const value_string iscsi_task_responses[] = {
      {0, "Function complete"},
      {1, "Task not in task set"},
      {2, "LUN does not exist"},
      {3, "Task still allegiant"},
      {4, "Task failover not supported"},
      {5, "Task management function not supported"},
      {255, "Function rejected"},
      {0, NULL},
--- 333,346 ----
      {0, NULL},
! static const value_string iscsi_task_management_responses[] = {
      {0, "Function complete"},
      {1, "Task not in task set"},
      {2, "LUN does not exist"},
      {3, "Task still allegiant"},
      {4, "Task failover not supported"},
      {5, "Task management function not supported"},
+     {6, "Authorisation failed"},
      {255, "Function rejected"},
      {0, NULL},
*************** static guint32 crc32Table[256] = {
*** 519,524 ****
--- 525,538 ----
  #define CRC32C_PRELOAD 0xffffffff
+ static guint32
+ calculateCRC32(const void *buf, int len, guint32 crc) {
+     guint8 *p = (guint8 *)buf;
+     while(len-- > 0)
+         crc = crc32Table[(crc ^ *p++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+     return crc;
+ }
   * Hash Functions
*************** iscsi_init_protocol(void)
*** 566,579 ****
- static guint32
- calculateCRC32(const void *buf, int len, guint32 crc) {
-     guint8 *p = (guint8 *)buf;
-     while(len-- > 0)
-         crc = crc32Table[(crc ^ *p++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
-     return crc;
- }
  static int
  iscsi_min(int a, int b) {
      return (a < b)? a : b;
--- 580,585 ----
*************** dissect_iscsi_pdu(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_
*** 708,714 ****
      if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL))
  	col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "iSCSI");
!     if (opcode == ISCSI_OPCODE_SCSI_RESPONSE) {
          scsi_status = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset+3);
--- 714,721 ----
      if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL))
  	col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "iSCSI");
!     if (opcode == ISCSI_OPCODE_SCSI_RESPONSE ||
          scsi_status = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset+3);
*************** dissect_iscsi_pdu(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_
*** 782,788 ****
              col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, (char *)opcode_str);
! 	    if (opcode == ISCSI_OPCODE_SCSI_RESPONSE) {
  		col_append_fstr (pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (%s)",
  				 val_to_str (scsi_status, scsi_status_val, "0x%x"));
--- 789,797 ----
              col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, (char *)opcode_str);
! 	    if (opcode == ISCSI_OPCODE_SCSI_RESPONSE ||
! 		(opcode == ISCSI_OPCODE_SCSI_DATA_IN &&
! 		 (tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 1) & ISCSI_SCSI_DATA_FLAG_S))) {
  		col_append_fstr (pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (%s)",
  				 val_to_str (scsi_status, scsi_status_val, "0x%x"));
*************** dissect_iscsi_pdu(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_
*** 793,798 ****
--- 802,817 ----
  				     val_to_str (login_status, iscsi_login_status, "0x%x"));
+ 	    else if (opcode == ISCSI_OPCODE_TASK_MANAGEMENT_FUNCTION) {
+ 		guint8 tmf = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 1);
+ 		col_append_fstr (pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (%s)",
+ 				 val_to_str (tmf, iscsi_task_management_functions, "0x%x"));
+ 	    }
+ 		guint8 resp = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 2);
+ 		col_append_fstr (pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (%s)",
+ 				 val_to_str (resp, iscsi_task_management_responses, "0x%x"));
+ 	    }
*************** proto_register_iscsi(void)
*** 1596,1617 ****
  	{ &hf_iscsi_SCSIData_F,
  	  { "F", "iscsi.scsidata.F",
! 	    FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&iscsi_meaning_F), 0x80,          
  	    "Final PDU", HFILL }
  	{ &hf_iscsi_SCSIData_S,
  	  { "S", "iscsi.scsidata.S",
! 	    FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&iscsi_meaning_S), 0x01,          
  	    "PDU Contains SCSI command status", HFILL }
  	{ &hf_iscsi_SCSIData_U,
  	  { "U", "iscsi.scsidata.U",
! 	    FT_BOOLEAN, 8,  TFS(&iscsi_meaning_U), 0x02,          
  	    "Residual underflow", HFILL }
  	{ &hf_iscsi_SCSIData_O,
  	  { "O", "iscsi.scsidata.O",
! 	    FT_BOOLEAN, 8,  TFS(&iscsi_meaning_O), 0x04,          
  	    "Residual overflow", HFILL }
  	{ &hf_iscsi_TargetTransferTag,
--- 1615,1636 ----
  	{ &hf_iscsi_SCSIData_F,
  	  { "F", "iscsi.scsidata.F",
! 	    FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&iscsi_meaning_F), ISCSI_SCSI_DATA_FLAG_F,
  	    "Final PDU", HFILL }
  	{ &hf_iscsi_SCSIData_S,
  	  { "S", "iscsi.scsidata.S",
! 	    FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&iscsi_meaning_S), ISCSI_SCSI_DATA_FLAG_S,
  	    "PDU Contains SCSI command status", HFILL }
  	{ &hf_iscsi_SCSIData_U,
  	  { "U", "iscsi.scsidata.U",
! 	    FT_BOOLEAN, 8,  TFS(&iscsi_meaning_U), ISCSI_SCSI_DATA_FLAG_U,
  	    "Residual underflow", HFILL }
  	{ &hf_iscsi_SCSIData_O,
  	  { "O", "iscsi.scsidata.O",
! 	    FT_BOOLEAN, 8,  TFS(&iscsi_meaning_O), ISCSI_SCSI_DATA_FLAG_O,
  	    "Residual overflow", HFILL }
  	{ &hf_iscsi_TargetTransferTag,
*************** proto_register_iscsi(void)
*** 1746,1758 ****
  	{ &hf_iscsi_TaskManagementFunction_Response,
  	  { "Response", "iscsi.taskmanfun.response",
! 	    FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(iscsi_task_responses), 0,
  	    "Response", HFILL }
  	{ &hf_iscsi_TaskManagementFunction_ReferencedTaskTag,
! 	  { "InitiatorTaskTag", "iscsi.taskmanfun.referencedtasktag",
  	    FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0,
! 	    "Task's initiator task tag", HFILL }
  	{ &hf_iscsi_RefCmdSN,
  	  { "RefCmdSN", "iscsi.refcmdsn",
--- 1765,1777 ----
  	{ &hf_iscsi_TaskManagementFunction_Response,
  	  { "Response", "iscsi.taskmanfun.response",
! 	    FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(iscsi_task_management_responses), 0,
  	    "Response", HFILL }
  	{ &hf_iscsi_TaskManagementFunction_ReferencedTaskTag,
! 	  { "ReferencedTaskTag", "iscsi.taskmanfun.referencedtasktag",
  	    FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0,
! 	    "Referenced task tag", HFILL }
  	{ &hf_iscsi_RefCmdSN,
  	  { "RefCmdSN", "iscsi.refcmdsn",
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$Id:,v 1.32 2001/10/11 19:27:15 bre Exp $