Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] patch for ethereal_gen - User Exceptions

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Frank Singleton <frank.singleton@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 11:20:31 -0500

Here is a patch for to allow the 
creation of "User Exception decoding" code.

It was diffed against 2001-07-09 tarball.


EUS/SV/Z Frank Singleton      ASO Americas BSS
Office : +1 972 583 3251      ECN 800 33251  
Mobile : +1 214 228 0874      Amateur Radio: VK3FCS/KM5WS   
Email : frank.singleton@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hardware: HP Omnibook 4150 running Redhat Linux 7.1 (2.4.3-12 kernel).
--- ../ethereal-2001-07-09/	Fri Jun 29 15:49:29 2001
+++ ../ethereal-2001-07-09.updated/	Wed Jul 11 09:34:59 2001
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- python -*-
-# $Id:,v 1.4 2001/06/29 20:49:29 guy Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.34 2001/07/11 14:34:59 frank Exp $
 # (part of idl2eth)           
@@ -79,16 +79,20 @@
 # 1. generate hf[] data for searchable fields (but what is searchable?)
 # 2. add item instead of add_text()
 # 3. sequence handling [done]
-# 4. Exceptions
-# 5. Fix arrays, and structs containing arrays [started]
+# 4. User Exceptions [done]
+# 5. Fix arrays, and structs containing arrays [done]
 # 6. Handle pragmas.
 # 7. Exception can be common to many operations, so handle them outside the
-#    operation helper functions.
+#    operation helper functions [done]
 # 8. Automatic variable declaration [done, improve]
-# 9. wchar and wstring handling  
-# 10. Support Fixed [started]
+# 9. wchar and wstring handling [giop API needs improving]
+# 10. Support Fixed [done]
 # 11. Support attributes (get/set)
 # 12. Implement IDL "union" code
+# 13. Implement support for plugins
+# Also test, Test, TEST
@@ -142,11 +146,11 @@
         self.dissname = dissector_name  # Dissector name (eg: echo)
         self.description = description  # Detailed Protocol description (eg: Echo IDL Example)
         self.exlist = []                # list of exceptions used in operations.
-        #self.curr_sname                # scoped name of current opnode I am visiting, used for generating "C" var declares
-        self.fn_hash = {}               # top level hash to contain function and a key = list of variable declarations
+        #self.curr_sname                # scoped name of current opnode or exnode I am visiting, used for generating "C" var declares
+        self.fn_hash = {}               # top level hash to contain key = function/exception and val = list of variable declarations
                                         # ie a hash of lists
-        self.fn_hash_built = 0          # flag to indicate the ist pass is complete, and the fn_hash is correctly
-                                        # populated.
+        self.fn_hash_built = 0          # flag to indicate the 1st pass is complete, and the fn_hash is correctly
+                                        # populated with operations/vars and exceptions/vars
@@ -160,20 +164,29 @@
     def genCode(self,oplist):
         self.genHelpers(oplist)         # sneaky .. call it now, to populate the fn_hash
-                                        # so when I come to that function later, I have the variables to
+                                        # so when I come to that operation later, I have the variables to
+                                        # declare already.
+        self.genExceptionHelpers(oplist) # sneaky .. call it now, to populate the fn_hash
+                                        # so when I come to that exception later, I have the variables to
                                         # declare already.
         self.fn_hash_built = 1          # DONE, so now I know , see genOperation()
  = self.st_save
         self.genHeader()                # initial dissector comments
+        self.genEthCopyright()          # Ethereal Copyright comments.
         self.genGPL()                   # GPL license
-        self.genOpList(oplist)
-        self.genExceptionHelpers(oplist)
+        self.genOpList(oplist)          # string constant declares for operation names
+        self.genExList(oplist)          # string constant declares for user exceptions
+        self.genExceptionHelpers(oplist)   # helper function to decode user exceptions that have members
+        self.genExceptionDelegator(oplist) # finds the helper function to decode a user exception
@@ -199,6 +212,22 @@
         if self.DEBUG:
             print "XXX genHeader"
+    #
+    # genEthCopyright
+    #
+    # Ethereal Copyright Info
+    #
+    #
+    def genEthCopyright(self):        
+        if self.DEBUG:
+            print "XXX genEthCopyright"            
     # genGPL
@@ -304,6 +333,70 @@
+    #
+    # genExList
+    #
+    # in: oplist
+    #
+    # out: C code for IDL User Exceptions that contain members
+    #
+    # eg:
+    #
+    # static const char user_exception_tux_bad_value[] = "IDL:tux/bad_value:1.0" ;
+    #
+    def genExList(self,oplist):
+        exlist = self.get_exceptionList(oplist) # grab list of ALL UNIQUE exception nodes
+        for ex in exlist:
+            if self.DEBUG:
+                print "XXX Exception " , ex.repoId()
+                print "XXX Exception Identifier" , ex.identifier()
+                print "XXX Exception Scoped Name" , ex.scopedName()
+            if (ex.members()):          # only if has members
+                sname = self.namespace(ex, "_")   
+                exname = ex.repoId()
+      ,  sname=sname, exname=ex.repoId())
+    #
+    # genExceptionDelegator
+    #
+    # in: oplist
+    #
+    # out: C code for User exception delegator
+    #
+    # eg:
+    #
+    #
+    def genExceptionDelegator(self,oplist):
+        exlist = self.get_exceptionList(oplist) # grab list of ALL UNIQUE exception nodes
+        for ex in exlist:
+            if self.DEBUG:
+                print "XXX Exception " , ex.repoId()
+                print "XXX Exception Identifier" , ex.identifier()
+                print "XXX Exception Scoped Name" , ex.scopedName()
+            if (ex.members()):          # only if has members
+                sname = self.namespace(ex, "_")   
+                exname = ex.repoId()
+      ,  sname=sname, exname=ex.repoId())
@@ -316,30 +409,73 @@
-    def genExceptionHelpers(self,oplist):
+    def genExceptionHelpers(self,oplist):        
         exlist = self.get_exceptionList(oplist) # grab list of exception nodes
+        if self.DEBUG:
+            print "XXX genExceptionHelpers: exlist = ", exlist
-        for ex in self.exlist:
-            #print "Exception = " + ex.identifier()
-            self.genExHelper()
+        for ex in exlist:
+            if (ex.members()):          # only if has members
+                #print "XXX Exception = " + ex.identifier()
+                self.genExHelper(ex)
-    # genExhelper()  -- TODO not complete yet
+    # genExhelper() 
-    # Generate private helper functions to decode used exceptions
+    # Generate private helper functions to decode User Exceptions
     # in: exnode ( an exception node)
-    def genExHelper(self,exnode):
-        t = 0
+    def genExHelper(self,ex):
+        if self.DEBUG:
+            print "XXX genExHelper"
+        sname = self.namespace(ex, "_")
+        self.curr_sname = sname         # update current opnode/exnode scoped name
+        if not self.fn_hash_built:
+            self.fn_hash[sname] = []        # init empty list as val for this sname key
+                                            # but only if the fn_hash is not already built
+, sname=sname, exname=ex.repoId())
+        self.dumpCvars(sname)
+ )
+        for m in ex.members():
+            #print "XXX genExhelper, member = ", m, "member type = ", m.memberType()
+            for decl in m.declarators():
+                #print "XXX genExhelper, d = ", decl
+                if decl.sizes():        # an array
+                    indices = self.get_indices_from_sizes(decl.sizes())
+                    string_indices = '%i ' % indices # convert int to string
+          , aname=decl.identifier(), asize=string_indices)     
+          , aname=decl.identifier(), aval=string_indices)
+                    self.addvar(self.c_i + decl.identifier() + ";")
+                    self.getCDR3(m.memberType(), ex.identifier() + "_" + decl.identifier() )
+                else:    
+                    self.getCDR3(m.memberType(), ex.identifier() + "_" + decl.identifier() )
@@ -365,11 +501,13 @@
     def genOperation(self,opnode):
-        ##print "visitOperation called"
+        if self.DEBUG:
+            print "XXX genOperation called"
         sname = self.namespace(opnode, "_")
         if not self.fn_hash_built:
             self.fn_hash[sname] = []        # init empty list as val for this sname key
-                                            # but on if the fn_hash is not already built
+                                            # but only if the fn_hash is not already built
         self.curr_sname = sname         # update current opnode's scoped name
         opname = opnode.identifier()
@@ -833,6 +971,7 @@
     def namespace(self,node,sep):    
         sname = string.replace(idlutil.ccolonName(node.scopedName()), '::', sep)
+        #print "XXX namespace: sname = " + sname
         return sname
@@ -907,9 +1046,11 @@
         ex_hash = {}                   # holds a hash of unique exceptions.
         for op in oplist:
             for ex in op.raises():
-                if not ex_hash.has_key(ex.identifier()):
-                    ex_hash[ex.identifier()] = 0; # dummy val, but at least key is unique
-                    #print "Exception = " + ex.identifier()
+                if not ex_hash.has_key(ex):
+                    ex_hash[ex] = 0; # dummy val, but at least key is unique
+                    if self.DEBUG:
+                        print "XXX Exception = " + ex.identifier()
         return ex_hash.keys()
@@ -1456,12 +1597,23 @@
  * packet-@[email protected]
  * Routines for IDL dissection
- * Autogenerated from
+ * Autogenerated from idl2eth
  * Copyright 2001 Frank Singleton <>
+    template_ethereal_copyright = """\
+ * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs
+ * Copyright 1999 Gerald Combs
+ */
 # GPL Template
@@ -1551,6 +1703,14 @@
     be = is_big_endian(header);         /* get endianess - TODO use passed in stream_is_big_endian instead ? */
+    /* If we have a USER Exception, then decode it and return */
+    if ((header->message_type == Reply) && (header->rep_status == USER_EXCEPTION)) {
+       return decode_user_exception(tvb, pinfo, tree, offset, header, operation);
+    }
@@ -1626,6 +1786,19 @@
+#             Exception handling templates                    #
     template_exception_helpers_start = """\
 /*  Begin Exception Helper Functions  */
@@ -1636,8 +1809,107 @@
 /*  End Exception Helper Functions  */
+# Templates for declaration of string constants for user exceptions.
+    template_comment_user_exceptions_string_declare_start = """\
+/*  Begin Exception (containing members) String  Declare  */
+    template_user_exceptions_declare = """static const char user_exception_@sname@[] = \"@exname@\" ; """
+    template_comment_user_exceptions_string_declare_end = """\
+/*  End Exception (containing members) String Declare  */
+# template for Main delegator for exception handling
+    template_main_exception_delegator_start = """\
+ * Main delegator for exception handling
+ *
+ */
+static gboolean decode_user_exception(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, int *offset, MessageHeader *header, gchar *operation ) {
+    gboolean be;                        /* big endianess */
+# template for exception delegation code body
+    template_ex_delegate_code = """\
+if (!strcmp(header->exception_id, user_exception_@sname@ )) {
+   decode_ex_@sname@(tvb, pinfo, tree, offset, header, operation);   /*  @exname@  */
+   return TRUE;
+# End of Main delegator for exception handling
+    template_main_exception_delegator_end = """\
+    return FALSE;    /* user exception not found */
+# template for exception helper code
+    template_exception_helper_function_start = """\
+/* Exception = @exname@ */
+static void decode_ex_@sname@(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, int *offset, MessageHeader *header, gchar *operation) {
+    gboolean stream_is_big_endian;          /* big endianess */
+    #
+    # Template for the helper function
+    # to get stream endianess from header
+    #
+    template_exception_helper_function_get_endianess = """\
+stream_is_big_endian = is_big_endian(header);  /* get stream endianess */
+    template_exception_helper_function_end = """\