Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Firefox not logging into $SSLKEYLOGFILE

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From: Lee <ler762@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 11:36:06 -0400
On 10/31/19, Miroslav Rovis wrote:
> On 191031-09:27-0400, Lee wrote:
>> On 10/31/19, Miroslav Rovis wrote:
>> > Hi!
>> >
>> > Regularly installed, recently:
>> >
>> > $ firefox --version
>> > Mozilla Firefox 70.0
>> >
>> > On Devuan (just a non-systemd Debian, 99% plus of packages are Debian):
>> Seems to be on purpose:
>>   https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=842292
>>   In previous versions of libnss, it was possible to use SSLKEYLOGFILE
>> environment variable to save session keys to a file. Since version
>> 3.24, this is disabled by default at compile time [1].
>> Regards,
>> Lee
> Thanks, Lee!
> I could've guessed something of such kind was the case.
> Thing is, I'm pretty happy with Pale Moon, that has custom TLS-logging, and
> does it fine, for most of my needs, including internet-banking.
> However, CPanel, which I'd need for my pages, and I heard that only very
> recently --not verified-- will not, and it's  the choice of their
> programmers, work with anything but the big browsers. Pale Moon is just not
> supported. Firefox the sole option for me.
> And I hate it when I don't see what whoever, just name'em, does their
> rummaging in my machines. They all must open up for me, be decryptable. My
> machines are my turf, not theirs.
> Related, the local Croatian registrar (https://domene.hr, for my NGO's
> domain in the signature below) I also learned recently, and learned the hard
> way, also does not support anything but the big browsers. Shame! (I'm sure
> it's kind of global trend for other countries' registrars.)
> So, learn how to get my Firefox --when I need it-- log the keys, or live in
> the dark on what it lets other subjects do in my machines.
> This will take time, and I do not have it right now...

I don't know if the official builds
will log the keys or not, but maybe worth trying?
