Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] (Is this message being received by anyone?) How to interpr

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From: L A Walsh <wireshark@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 21:23:50 -0700
Thanks much for the confirmation that someone is still out there and
able to hear me!...

Just to remind folks, if anyone has any possible clarifications or
explanations for the graph at the below URL, that was intended to be
the main emphasis of the note.  Though if it has NOT gone through
it would be a rather pointless post  :-)

Is there a resource for how one would interpret these things?


(Leaving some of my normal chatty comments off, so as
not to have people answering my chattiness which still would
tend to distract from getting the info I created my initial
post about) - Arg!, um, ignore this comment!   :-)

On 3/28/2019 7:35 AM, L A Walsh wrote:
> I was looking to understand the Round Trip Time graph and why it
> seems to jump up and down between near 0 and 270ms.  That doesn't make
> sense to me -- first I don't see how some of them would have an
> RTT time of near 0 -- I don't see how that would be possible, so
> I figure I don't understand how to read the graph.
> Also, I don't see why the RTT would jump up and down  and why there
> are "gaps" in the graph like between 45-85 seconds, vs. almost a
> solid-like appearance between 380-410s.
> Here is the RTT and througput graphs I'm trying to decipher:
> https://i.imgur.com/4ijLxTJ.jpg
> It looks like I have a relatively low latency when the graph
> peaks at around 150ms, but then something causes a jump so that
> latency climbs to over 250ms.
> It also seems to be the case where I'm getting low latency that
> my throughput peaks with average packet length falling from 1500
> down to <100bytes.
> I don't see any clear errors. or why there is such a sudden drop
> Should I be looking for some type of dropped packets or errors?
> Could this be cause by my ISP cutting bandwidth in a step-wise
> manner as a means to control?  Or could this be some sort of
> buffer-bloat with some buffer filling up and something halting
> output to wait for some buffers to drain...??
> Another possibility is the application on my end is running on a
> high speed internal net with a 9k jumbo frame size -- could the
> mismatch between that the external frame size of 1.5k be causing
> some type of hysteresis?
> Any ideas on how, if it is possible I might even this out?
> It sorta wreaks havok with the local application...
> Thanks!
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