Wireshark-users: [Wireshark-users] New York Times: Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of

From: Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming <tdteoenming@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2019 10:36:50 +0800
Subject/Topic: New York Times: Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in
Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers

This New York Times newspaper article is very welcome and being held
dear by millions of Targeted Individuals (TIs) all over the world,
including Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming, who is based in

New York Times Article: Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of
U.S. Embassy Workers
Author: William J. Broad is a science journalist and senior writer. He
joined The Times in 1983, and has shared two Pulitzer Prizes with his
colleagues, as well as an Emmy Award and a DuPont Award.
Date Published: 1st September 2018 (Today is 19 January 2019 Saturday)
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/01/science/sonic-attack-cuba-microwave.html

Snippets from the New York Times newspaper article:

Doctors and scientists say microwave strikes may have caused sonic
delusions and very real brain damage among embassy staff and family

During the Cold War, Washington feared that Moscow was seeking to turn
microwave radiation into covert weapons of mind control.

More recently, the American military itself sought to develop
microwave arms that could invisibly beam painfully loud booms and even
spoken words into people’s heads. The aims were to disable attackers
and wage psychological warfare.

Now, doctors and scientists say such unconventional weapons may have
caused the baffling symptoms and ailments that, starting in late 2016,
hit more than three dozen American diplomats and family members in
Cuba and China. The Cuban incidents resulted in a diplomatic rupture
between Havana and Washington.

But Douglas H. Smith, the study’s lead author and director of the
Center for Brain Injury and Repair at the University of Pennsylvania,
said in a recent interview that microwaves were now considered a main
suspect and that the team was increasingly sure the diplomats had
suffered brain injury.

In particular, a growing number of analysts cite an eerie phenomenon
known as the Frey effect, named after Allan H. Frey, an American
scientist. Long ago, he found that microwaves can trick the brain into
perceiving what seem to be ordinary sounds.

The false sensations, the experts say, may account for a defining
symptom of the diplomatic incidents — the perception of loud noises,
including ringing, buzzing and grinding. Initially, experts cited
those symptoms as evidence of stealthy attacks with sonic weapons.

Members of Jason, a secretive group of elite scientists that helps the
federal government assess new threats to national security, say it has
been scrutinizing the diplomatic mystery this summer and weighing
possible explanations, including microwaves.

The microwave idea teems with unanswered questions. Who fired the
beams? The Russian government? The Cuban government? A rogue Cuban
faction sympathetic to Moscow? And, if so, where did the attackers get
the unconventional arms?

At his home outside Washington, Mr. Frey, the scientist who uncovered
the neural phenomenon, said federal investigators have questioned him
on the diplomatic riddle and that microwave radiation is considered a
possible cause.

Mr. Frey, now 83, has traveled widely and long served as a contractor
and a consultant to a number of federal agencies. He speculated that
Cubans aligned with Russia, the nation’s longtime ally, might have
launched microwave strikes in attempts to undermine developing ties
between Cuba and the United States.

The dimensions of the human head, scientists say, make it a fairly
good antenna for picking up microwave signals.

Mr. Frey, a biologist, said he stumbled on the acoustic effect in 1960
while working for General Electric’s Advanced Electronics Center at
Cornell University. A man who measured radar signals at a nearby G.E.
facility came up to him at a meeting and confided that he could hear
the beam’s pulses — zip, zip, zip.

Intrigued, Mr. Frey traveled to the man’s workplace in Syracuse and
positioned himself in a radar beam. “Lo,” he recalled, “I could hear
it, too.”

Mr. Frey’s resulting papers — reporting that even deaf people could
hear the false sounds — founded a new field of study on radiation’s
neural impacts. Mr. Frey’s first paper, in 1961, reported that power
densities 160 times lower than “the standard maximum safe level for
continuous exposure” could induce the sonic delusions.

Investigators raced to confirm and extend Mr. Frey’s findings. At
first they named the phenomenon after him, but eventually called it
the microwave auditory effect and, in time, more generally,
radio-frequency hearing.

Moscow was so intrigued by the prospect of mind control that it
adopted a special terminology for the overall class of envisioned
arms, calling them psychophysical and psychotronic.

Soviet research on microwaves for “internal sound perception,” the
Defense Intelligence Agency warned in 1976, showed great promise for
“disrupting the behavior patterns of military or diplomatic

Furtively, globally, the threat grew.

Washington, too, foresaw new kinds of arms.

In Albuquerque, N.M., Air Force scientists sought to beam
comprehensible speech into the heads of adversaries. Their novel
approach won a patent in 2002, and an update in 2003. Both were
assigned to the Air Force secretary, helping limit the idea’s

The lead inventor said the research team had “experimentally
demonstrated” that the “signal is intelligible.” As for the
invention’s uses, an Air Force disclosure form listed the first
application as “Psychological Warfare.”

Russia, China and many European states are seen as having the know-how
to make basic microwave weapons that can debilitate, sow noise or even
kill. Advanced powers, experts say, might accomplish more nuanced aims
such as beaming spoken words into people’s heads. ***Only intelligence
agencies know which nations actually possess and use such unfamiliar

In December 2000, months after the start of his first presidential
term, Mr. Putin flew to the island nation. It was the first visit by a
Soviet or Russian leader since the Cold War.

He also sought to resurrect Soviet work on psychoactive arms. In 2012,
he declared that Russia would pursue “new instruments for achieving
political and strategic goals,” including psychophysical weapons.

As a candidate, Donald Trump faulted the Obama administration’s
normalization policy as “a very weak agreement” and threatened to
scrap it on reaching the White House. Weeks after he won the election,
in late November 2016, the American embassy in Havana found itself
battling a mysterious crisis.

Diplomats and their families recounted high-pitched sounds in homes
and hotel rooms at times intense enough to incapacitate. Long-term,
the symptoms included nausea, crushing headaches, fatigue, dizziness,
sleep problems and hearing loss.

The State Department filed diplomatic protests, and the Cuban
government denied involvement.

Rex W. Tillerson, who was then the secretary of state, said the
embassy’s staff had been targeted deliberately. But he refrained from
blaming Cuba, and federal officials held out the possibility that a
third party may have been responsible.

Early this year, in January, the spooky impact of microwaves on the
human brain never came up during an open Senate hearing on the Cuba

But in a scientific paper that same month, James C. Lin of the
University of Illinois, a leading investigator of the Frey effect,
described the diplomatic ills as plausibly arising from microwave
beams. Dr. Lin is the editor-in-chief of Bio Electro Magnetics, a
peer-reviewed journal that explores the effects of radio waves and
electromagnetic fields on living things.

In his paper, he said high-intensity beams of microwaves could have
caused the diplomats to experience not just loud noises but nausea,
headaches and vertigo, as well as possible brain-tissue injury. The
beams, he added, could be fired covertly, hitting “only the intended

In February, ProPublica in a lengthy investigation mentioned that
federal investigators were weighing the microwave theory. Separately,
it told of an intriguing find. The wife of a member of the embassy
staff, it reported, had looked outside her home after hearing the
disturbing sounds and seen a van speeding away.

In May, reports emerged that American diplomats in China had suffered
similar traumas. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the medical
details of the two groups "very similar” and “entirely consistent"
with one another. By late June, the State Department had evacuated at
least 11 Americans from China.

To date, the most detailed medical case for microwave strikes has been
made by Beatrice A. Golomb, a medical doctor and professor of medicine
at the University of California, San Diego. In a forthcoming paper to
be published in October in Neural Computation, a peer-reviewed journal
of the MIT Press, she lays out potential medical evidence for Cuban
microwave strikes.

In closing, she argued that “numerous highly specific features” of the
diplomatic incidents “fit the hypothesis” of a microwave attack,
including the Frey-type production of disturbing sounds.

But Mr. Zaid, the Washington lawyer, who represents eight of the
diplomats and family members, said microwave attacks may have injured
his clients.

“It’s sort of naïve to think this just started now,” he said.
Globally, he added, covert strikes with the potent beams appear to
have been going on for decades.

Tags: Mind Control, Mind Intrusion, Mind Intrusion Detection Systems,
Mind Intrusion Prevention Systems, Mind Intrusion Detection and
Prevention Systems


Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming's Academic Qualifications as at 30 Oct 2017

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