Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] HTTP/2 decrytion with sslkeylog

From: Miroslav Rovis <miro.rovis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 03:00:50 +0100
On 170118-18:51+0000, Graham Bloice wrote:
> On 18 January 2017 at 18:43, Jim Aragon <Jim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > At 09:39 AM 1/18/2017, you wrote:
> >
> > >(Not much at all from me, but...)
> > >But for some reason, it seems the talk has gone elsewhere, or that lost
> > >of poeple are even afraid to learn what is really happening with in their
> > >machines when on the internet...
> >
> > You're right, the talk has gone elsewhere. Specifically, almost everyone
> > who used to monitor the mailing list has moved to the Wireshark Question
> > and Answer site, ask.wireshark.org. That's now a better place for asking
> > Wireshark questions, and you are much more likely to get an answer there.
> >
> >
> Where the appropriate question is:
> https://ask.wireshark.org/questions/58758/http2-decrytion-with-sslkeylog
and where it hasn't received any replies yet either ;-)

I've watched not a small number of videos from Wireshark people
recently, and I have to say I've become all the more of a fan of people
who make the reading of the network available to all the end users of
the world who are not afraid of learning.

I'm (almost) 60 and I don't memorize names and events/procedures/facts
unless I re-read/re-view/re-talk on the subject of the memorization,

But I just very much like Gerald who invented Wireshark...

And the CEO of the Riverbed (the Yankees fan and the baseball judge) is
great too (God, what a fascinating pedagogical, heuristical, simple but
comprising explanations!)... Terribly intriguing that he don't like
coloring in Wireshark ;-) !

And the guy that currently works on the anonymization program, and who
is a good English speaker but is German/Austrian/<some-other-Teutonic>
national (originally)...

And the guy I think, who in 2014(?) made Wireshark decrypt SSL! Sake
Blok or so? The Dutch scuba diver...

And the other one who Evangelically (in the non-denominative Christian
way) gave everything to the poor, and now came back and works, and still
doesn't even have the car or a house of his own... but is so happy!

And the Japanese girl...

And the others... I've currently little time, I sure always dump local
traces (local till I find the money to do it properly, even running
another machine for tracing is too costly at this time...)... Always,
but only, that...  And I have too little time right now to
re-read/re-view as I said above that I need...

And I'm glad that the company is doing great!

Regards to everybody!
Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

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