> One of the things we discussed at Sharkfest this year was providing a
> common location for users to share their lua scripts, colouring rules,
> display filter macros, and other useful plugins.
Is the dissector written by pure Lua included? I hope we can share the
pure Lua dissector.
Evan Huus writes:
> One of the things we discussed at Sharkfest this year was providing a
> common location for users to share their lua scripts, colouring rules,
> display filter macros, and other useful plugins.
> Discussion is still on-going as to whether we will provide a proper git
> repository or some other management site, but in the mean-time (and partly
> to judge the popularity of the idea) we've created a simple wiki page where
> people can upload their contributions:
> http://wiki.wireshark.org/Contrib
> If you have such useful items to contribute, please share them and make
> everyone's Wireshark experience better :)
> Cheers,
> Evan
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