On 1/25/14, Ивица Соколовски <devil.ajs@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering if anyone could tell me, is it possible to discover the
> network topology (router, DHCP server, DNS server, network nodes etc.)? If
> yes, I would appreciate if I get some help on this, since I am a newbie
> interested in networking. Pointing out some reference would also work.
best: look at all the router, switch and server configurations. 100%
accurate but also 100% manual labor
next best: enable snmp on all the routers, switches and servers. Use
a network discovery tool (standalone or part of a network management
systems have) I haven't looked at it in years, but at one time NetViz
& Visio claimed the ability to discover your network and then generate
a pretty network diagram for you.
note that I haven't mentioned wireshark. It's great at what it does,
but it doesn't do network discovery.