Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] use of -z io,stat

From: Sake Blok <sake@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 00:02:03 +0200
Hi Ronny,

Regarding the LOAD graph, I have looked at it before and yesterday I used it to graph the load on http (since 1.10 has a http response time measure). Do you know why the load is multiplied by 1000? It is in your presentation, but I always assumed that this was because of the tick interval of 1 ms that you used there. But whatever tick interval I choose, the load is always 1000 times the actual load.

If there is no known reason for the 1000x upscale, I'm tempted to correct this so it does show actual load values. Any ideas?


On 29 mei 2013, at 23:44, ronnie sahlberg wrote:

> Hi,
> "I want to calculate how much time the Client spent thinking:"
> This is actually a very difficult question to answer. Especially since
> with most clients/most protocols doing multithreaded concurrent i/o
> "client-slowness" is usually never as simple as delta between a reply
> and to the next request goes out but
> much more complex things to model like "slow client does slightly less
> concurrent i/o"
> While measuring server performance is pretty straightforward,
> measuring client performance is often surprisingly hard problem.
> One method I have found that works surprisingly well (for me) is the
> LOAD calculation in wireshark.
> This is a measure of the average queue depth between a client and a
> server. As the client issues new I/O, the queue grows, as the server
> completes a request the queue shrinks.
> This provides a metric to compare the relative speeds between a client
> and a server and how they are matched/where the bottleneck is.
> See this for a presentation I did a long time ago that contains a
> description of LOAD :
> https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CC0QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.snia.org%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles2%2Fsdc_archives%2F2008_presentations%2Fmonday%2FRonnieSahlberg_UsingWireshark.pdf&ei=4XWmUc-gAqmqiQKM9oHQCQ&usg=AFQjCNFdiD93MJaGOBkol17t2KcncXEHvw&sig2=xIyIYZTOFoQs2gxKV8p0pA
> regards
> ronnie sahlberg
> On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 8:42 AM, Stuart Kendrick <skendric@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I'm trying to teach myself how to use the '-z io,stat' options in tshark
>> I was imagining that the following would tell me how many seconds the trace covers
>> tshark -r sample-http.pcapng -o tcp.calculate_timestamps:TRUE -qz "io,stat,0,SUM(tcp.time_delta)tcp.time_delta"
>> =============================================
>> | IO Statistics                             |
>> |                                           |
>> | Interval size: 11.1 secs (dur)            |
>> | Col 1: Frames and bytes                   |
>> |     2: SUM(tcp.time_delta)tcp.time_delta  |
>> |-------------------------------------------|
>> |              |1               |2          |
>> | Interval     | Frames | Bytes |    SUM    |
>> |-------------------------------------------|
>> |  0.0 <> 11.1 |    216 | 45453 | 23.817352 |
>> =============================================
>> capinfos sample-http.pcapng
>> File name:           sample-http.pcapng
>> [...]
>> File size:           53 kB
>> Data size:           45 kB
>> Capture duration:    11 seconds
>> [...]
>> But apparently not:  '23.817352' does not equal '11 seconds'
>> https://vishnu.fhcrc.org/wireshark/sample-http.pcapng
>> I'm using wireshark 1.10.0rc2
>> What am I not understanding about this '-z io,stat' feature?
>> --sk
>> Stuart Kendrick
>> P.S.
>> My actual use case will be more complex than this.  This trace was taken next to the Client.
>> I want to calculate how much time the Client spent thinking:
>> tshark -r sample-http.pcapng -o tcp.calculate_timestamps:TRUE -qz "io,stat,0,SUM(tcp.time_delta)tcp.time_delta and tcp.dstport==80"
>> and how much time the Network + Server spent thinking:
>> tshark -r sample-http.pcapng -o tcp.calculate_timestamps:TRUE -qz "io,stat,0,SUM(tcp.time_delta)tcp.time_delta and tcp.srcport==80"
>> To give myself insights into how much of the total transaction time the Client is contributing versus that of the Network + Server.
>> But I figure that if I cannot even persuade tshark to sum every value in the DeltaT column, then I'm not ready to progress to the real-world use case.
>> P.P.S.
>> The Average function gives me a plausible answer:
>> tshark -r sample-http.pcapng -o tcp.calculate_timestamps:TRUE -qz "io,stat,0,AVG(tcp.time_delta)tcp.time_delta"
>> =============================================
>> | IO Statistics                             |
>> |                                           |
>> | Interval size: 11.1 secs (dur)            |
>> | Col 1: Frames and bytes                   |
>> |     2: AVG(tcp.time_delta)tcp.time_delta  |
>> |-------------------------------------------|
>> |              |1                |2         |
>> | Interval     | Frames |  Bytes |    AVG   |
>> |-------------------------------------------|
>> |  0.0 <> 11.1 |    473 | 349155 | 0.050354 |
>> =============================================
>> But when I sanity-check this calculation using Excel, I see a different result:
>> 0.023518s
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