Hi list,
I just tried to decrypt SIP TLS traffic in wireshark (preferences -->
SSL , imported priv key for server ip/port) and was at least able to see
decrypted packets in the ssl-logfile when enabling SSL debugging in
wireshark. I also made sure to capture the initial handshake, but the
decrypted SIP traffic does never shows up in wireshark/packet list?
One thing i noticed is: i have to choose a protocol like "sip","ssl" but
there is no "sip-tls" ? But i am not sure if this makes any difference...
association_find: TCP port 1051 found (nil)
association_find: TCP port 5061 found 0xb9eb6268
dissect_ssl3_record decrypted len 651
decrypted app data fragment: SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK1b7a.e58532f.0
I also avoided diffie-hellman ciphers (to keep things simple) and tried
a few other things but i am never able to see the packets in the packet
list? (Only in the ssl logfile...)
Any ideas how to debug this?
Max M�hlbronner
42com Telecommunication GmbH
Stra�e der Pariser Kommune 12-16
10243 Berlin
E-Mail: mm@xxxxxxxxx
Web: www.42com.com
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