Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Extracting data from capture

From: Sake Blok <sake@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 13:31:46 +0200

I had a little trouble too, but google was a friend. As the certificate(s) are sent using SCEP, I looked up how SCEP transfers certificates and found out it is using pkcs7. Then the file is in DER form (as I could see several binary certificates in the exported HTTP object). Then openssl pkcs7 help did the rest. Here is how you can extract the certificates:

openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -in <exported-http-object-filename> -print_certs

Good luck!

On 2 mei 2013, at 09:11, radiatejava wrote:

> Wireshark users,
> I have a packet capture in which there are http requests (over plain
> connection, not SSL) and their response. Response received is
> certificate or chain of certificates, possibly in binary data. It
> shows the content type of the object as
> 'application/x-x509-ca-ra-cert'. However, when I try to do
> 'ExportObjects' > HTTP and export the object, it exports fine but I am
> not able to view that certificate using any tool (like openssl or any
> other).
> I am suspecting wireshark is not exporting either fully or some issue.
> I have attached the file 20130417-213837_TCPDump.pcap here
> https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=90024b432de06aed&id=90024B432DE06AED!1107&authkey=!AG9x61vd9JLHYL0
> Can someone tell me how do export the http response that has
> certificate so that I am view the certificate ? Appreciate the
> response here.
> Thanks/Satish.
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