Jim Aragon <Jim@...> writes:
> At 09:11 PM 4/7/2013, Micheal Tuexen wrote:
> >On Apr 8, 2013, at 2:22 AM, Jim Aragon wrote:
> >> If the user has not selected a default interface at Edit
> Preferences
> >> Capture, I'd vote to have Wireshark select the first interface
> >>listed. I would not select all interfaces. I think
> single-interface
> >>capture is still more common, even on multiple interface
> systems.
If the user has not selected a default interface at Edit -> Preferences ->
Capture, I'd vote to have Wireshark select the first interface listed in
which Wireshark determines that there are actually packets available to
capture. This can be seen with Capture -> Interfaces (Ctrl-I). If no
interfaces show packets, then Wireshark can probably just choose the first
- Chris