Hi users,
I'm interesting to know how to insert my PC laptop with wireshark as a" PC sniffer" between 2 terminals to capture ftp flows between them:
terminal "A" in sub-network x.y.A.1
terminal "B" in sub-network x.y.B.1
my PC laptop "C" on sub-network x.y.A.2 or x.y.B.2
using this configuration, I do not need to install wireshark on A & B !
I suppose that on "A" terminal I need to create a route from A.1 to B.1 passing thru "C", the same relatively to "B", then I will need also to declare on my laptop "C" a kind of "gateway" function to re-route the ftp flow, after capture, to its original destination
Is it what we call the NAT function on "C": and how to do it on the "C" laptop windows xp sp3 ?
Thanks for your help.