with tshark, is it possible to get the seq number and ack number if the packets are with sock protocol
I can see the seq number and ack number from wireshark
but with tshark, how to get seq number and ack number?
On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 12:00 PM, esolve esolve
<esolvepolito@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
so nobody has any idea?
the intuitive idea is to use sequence number/ack number, but it may be a bit troublesome, any other ideas? thanks2012/6/20 esolve esolve
Hi, all,
I want to get round trip time distribution from a pcap file. My
idea is to compute each round trip time for each pair of data packets
and ack packets. But the difficulty is to identify the pairs, namely,
for each data packet(ack packet) I need to find the corresponding ack
packet(data packet). How can I achieve this?
Besides, for the find tcp tear-down process, how to identify each
FIN-ACK and ACK pair? thanks!
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