Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] filter garp packets

From: Christopher Maynard <christopher.maynard@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 17:00:07 +0000 (UTC)
jim@... <jim@...> writes:

> It's a pseudo field that is generated by Wireshark and isn't actually
> present in the frame, but it's not hidden. If you expand an ARP request,
> you'll see a line that says either "[Is gratuitous: False]" or "[Is
> gratuitous: True]". You can right-click that line and select "Apply as
> Filter" or "Prepare a Filter" just like any other filterable field.

You can also find it:
1) Internals -> Supported Protocols (slow!) -> Display Filter Fields -> scroll
down to "ARP/RARP - Address Resolution Protocol (arp) [34 fields]:" ->

2) From the filter toolbar: Expression... -> Field name = "ARP/RARP - Address
Resolution Protocol" -> arp.isgratuitous

3) Analyze -> Display Filters... -> Expression... -> Field name = "ARP/RARP -
Address Resolution Protocol" -> arp.isgratuitous

4) On-line display filter documentation: