Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] invalid request

From: Martin Visser <martinvisser99@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 07:05:53 +1100
It is a little hard to tell without seeing the actual data. Maybe you can repost, with the data, However if Wireshark is not able to decode the data as HTTP, because it has not been formatted correctly according to the protocol then it will be an invalid request. It may be because you have not seen the beginning packets of the request

Regards, Martin


On 14 March 2012 05:57, mustafa alhussona <mustafarajimusa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
i installed squid server and i have invalid request, so i decided to check the traffic using the wireshark, please can you tell me what does this line mean

[protocols in frame: eth:ip:tcp:http:data]

please what is the meaning of data ok i know the ip:tcp:http is for http request, but what data protocol mean
and there is a new field describes this data the field called Hypertext Transfer Protocol and contain data of length 56 byte

why this request is considered invalid request

thanks best regards

the packet discription is

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